My House Is Worth What?

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Real Estate Agent - Allison James Estates & Homes - 01079287
Simple way to evaluate the value of your home.
I just want to shout out to Ben Kinney for reinstating Active Rain to what it should be! An open forum for RE agents around the country, who are now able to blog and pass on information. With out being injected with propaganda from high and mighty Z. I personally have written a few blogs about Z ...
I love reading Inman News their headlines usually tell the story.  But this one really put it all together as to where Z almighty was heading. How can they make themselves a platform needed by all buyers, sellers renters and of course the current main payer RE Agents. After all you really such be...
So many times when I say I am a Realtor, I see the stop sign go up! I am not your used car salesman type Realtor. Can I say I hate used car salesman types,  period. My interpretation of my job is much different than most people think. I am not the source, I am the resource. I can't answer all qu...
With all the media hype and the DIY and HGTV shows, everyone can flip homes and make boo coo bucks! I was a flipper before they were called flippers in the 80's. But we had ethics, fix it paint it flooring but really address the deficits for the new buyer. Today what I see is your basic lipstick ...
   We've all heard most of these. The most used of course is when a seller has canceled the listing and every longe lizard agent calls and says "I see you have canceled your listing, too bad I have a buyer that is interested, can I show your house?" Of course he/she will bring a buyer but they wa...
   Or how to use a Realtor to get the most out of those high commissions you pay for! I know I'll catch some flack for this, but here it goes. Now putting on my flame suit! After weathering the past 7 years actively in this highly volatile market place, and still making money, I've learned a lot ...
      This beautiful upgraded to the T's house has been on the market for 67 days. The market has slowed, here in Temecula Murrieta Valley, we now have 5 months worth of inventory, the most since the bubble. houses for sale are stacked, builders are finishing their 2007 post bubble burst and offe...
Well the cats out of the bag. We have been wondering for years how will they replace us? Zillow/Trulia wants our advertising dollars, and are trying to figure out how to get a brokers cut, the big name franchise brokers want a percentage of our commissions.   But to design a virtual sales data ba...
JanuaryNot exactly what anyone wants to hear and with sellers trying for top dollar and interest rates going up.  Want to sell your house now lower your price or be prepared to take less each month it doesn't sell! Want to buy, wait till after January! Yes, interest rates are going up but serious...
Here's the difference between 2013 California's little bubble and 2014 reality check. Every 10 years California gets a little bubble in 2013 it lasted from 1/2013 to 8/2013 then our market in Riverside County went flat. Most people with a typical knee jerk reaction including God Almighty Zillow e...