Tracey Martin's (traceysalinasrealtor) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Realty World Premier Associates
The HAFA program is the government's new Short Sale/deed-in-lieu program. The government created the program in order to assist home owners who can no longer afford their home and who wanted to avoid the damage a foreclosure does to credit. The following is my understanding of the program guideli...
I have been visiting a lot of homeowners in distress lately and most of them are hoping for a loan modification. But I wonder; are loan modifications really in a home owner’s best interest? After all, in Monterey County most homeowner’s who purchased their home between 2002 and 2007 owe more than...
Great post5 Tips for Short Sale Listing Agents: If followed The Sun Will Shine Brighter... (at Least in My Opinion) I must admit I have only been in Real Estate for just a little over 5 years but I come from a family of Realtors who have been selling homes since well before I was born. Yes, Real ...
Funny stuff!! OK, I had to share this...earlier today I reblogged a couple of posts I found on ActiveRain looking at the problem of the housing market as it is today.I guess there is and always will be finger pointing going on.However, I was winding down checking out some YouTube entertainment an...
IT'S A CLOUDY DAY IN VENICE, FLORIDA HIGH AROUND 80 DEGREES   The National Association of Realtors met last weekend in San Diego, California with the big question on everyone' s mind; "When will we return to a stabilized market?" The National Association of Realtors' chief economist, Lawrence Yun...
Homeowners in trouble are easy pray for attorneys (and loan modification "specialist") who promise they can modify a loan. Homeowners should be wary of any person who promises they can modify their loan for a fee.  As in a short sales, in the end it is the investor guidelines that determine wheth...
Great post! Curious what your credit score will drop when you do a short sale?  You’ll often read on the internet 80-100 points, sometimes less.  Guess what?  Sometimes it is more.  I just received this email from one of my Santa Rosa Beach Florida short sale sellers.  I sold his home a few month...
This is great information simply explained.Has your short sale or loan modification been turned down and you have no idea why? Let's examine some of the reasons. These reasons may not make you feel any better or maybe they are just excuses by your lender, however there are a few things you may no...
I am not an attorney and even though I do not give legal advice, I owe it to my clients to have a basic knowledge of the legal aspects of a short sale.   If  I am informed I can tell them what questions to ask their attorney.   Even though I may disagree with some advice they give, I know I canno...

Tracey Martin

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