Real E Smarter Real Estate Coaching Blog

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Real E Smarter Real Estate Coaching and Support Services. We can bring real estate expertise right into your business with lead generation, web development, social media management, branding, strategy, and training. Our unique business model lets you start right away even if you don't have a budget. Contact us today to learn more.
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, It is easy to get caught up in the moment in this business of commissions and sales. Strategies and Marketing plans abound all to get that payday at the end. In some ways it is easy to lose sight that everything isn't about g...
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, So this is kind of a trick question. You may have or have not noticed that there are fewer and fewer lenders to choose from these days. If you are thinking of buying a home, you are probably used to having gobs of choices for lenders. M...
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, So I was at Fred Meyers doing some shopping and I was with my son. We were pushing the cart out to our car and two younger employees were walking down the sidewalk towards the building. I ended up coming billy goat gruff in a showdown w...
Hello Everyone,   It is funny I heard an interesting thing from a trainer the other day at our office. He said I know single agents closing 100 deals a year, the only differnece between you and them is how they use their same 24 hours a day. This got me thinking.... I agree. It doesn't mean there...
Spokane WA Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, Well the timeline for the tax credit is coming to a close and there is a lot of hype about taking advantage of it. There is more to this market than the tax credit. Fact is that the interest rates are as low as they have been since 1...
Medical Lake Homes for Sale Expert - Ross Quintana   When it comes to buying a home in Medical lake, you want an expert who will guide you to the best homes in Medical Lake. Team Quintana is your Medical lake Real Estate Experts. We want to meet with you and put together a game plan so you can g...
Spokane Homes for Sale Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, Well there are a lot of choices out there right now for Spokane Home Buyers. Inventory levels are high and the prices have come down a bit. Interest rates are great if you can qualify for them. Bottom line is that the bottom of the r...
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, The sun is shining and home affordability is at a 30 year high. What this means is that compared to average income homes are more affordable right now than they have been in the last 30 years. Interest rates are at a 30 year low also me...
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, Well if you have not heard yet, the Home BUyer tax credit is about to come to an end and it is time to slide into home literally. If you are in the market and thinking of buying, why not take advantage of the $8000 credit you may be eli...
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Well, this is really the last month to take advantage of First time home buyer tax credit. In order to get a closing before the end of April you will want to be in an offer before the end of the month. Sooner is better in this case as some lenders are t...

Ross Quintana

Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966
smartphone(509) 362-1966
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