Spokane Homes Expert - Ross Quintana We have all heard the jokes before about how many this or that does it take to screw in a lightbulb. It asks a silly question that usually has a catch or additional factors of why it takes 3 of a certain type of person or 2 of another type of person. The thing
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, Over the years I have come across many types of people. A wink here, and a disclosure there. I have had people tell me things that they shouldn't and ask me to do things that I wouldn't. I have had to tell people that I must
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, This is a book I downloaded for Free from Audible.com. I thought since it was free it was going to be not that great, but I tried it anyway. Funny I didn't realize until later why it was free... because the point of the book
Spokane Homes Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, Well As we get deep into summer with school around the corner, many people are wondering if their Spokane Homes are going to sell. Contracts are running out and people must face the question of whether they can sell this year of if it just is
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, No I'm not trying to intimidate you on the street, or force you to back off, I am asking you if you are minding your own business... You may find yourself answering, "Of course I am managing my business!" But are you really?
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, I called up Zillow the other day to talk about a wrong number on my profile that I couldn't get off. I then in passing started talking about how they should have a more useful layout for the agents. They were advertising agen
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, If you have followed my blog then you know the kinds of things I post about. I love giving advice on everything from developing your real estate busines, technology, beating up your competition, and much more. As a result I d
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, So how is the market? I get that question all the time. When someone finds out you do real estate the first thing they ask is how is the market. My response is simple.... hot for some, cold for others. Right now we are busier than we ha
Hello Everyone, Well Hoopfest hit Spokane Washington again! People flood our city every year for the largest 3 on 3 basketball tournament in the world. Yes we are little old Spokane Washington on the Eastern side of Washington State, but we have some really cool local events. It is great every
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, I'm here with some great advice for people looking to sell their home in Spokane Washington. No I'm not going to tell you how great we are, or how we are better than everyone else. There is an old saying, "Look Before You Leap" It makes