I am reading a book called the Refferal Engine by John Jantzch. So far it is pretty good. It started slow but it really made me think about the big picture of my marketing plan. It talked about convergence. This was about how all your systems and information comes together. It talked about how yo
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, We have been helping people shop for homes for almost 10 years now. We have seen countless people go through the process. So I started looking at the common mistakes Home buyers in Spokane make when shopping for a home. I fou
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, Well, Thanksgiving is done and now we get to the hustle and bustle of the shopping season. One thing I take away from this year's Thanksgiving is how being thankful is powerful and deserves more than a once a year occurance.
Spokan Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, I recently finished this book and loved it! This book was full of great strategies and really hit home the right way to think about advertising from a sending and receiving standpoint. Many of the techniques he talked about we
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, OK this is not a MLM, I am not selling you knives, or weight loss pills, or a vacuum that costs as much as your car. The term Opportunity of a Lifetime has been used so much I think people can really get numb to it. My take o
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, Well the ground is white, I had 2 sets of children knock on the door to ask me if I wanted it shoveled. They jumped the gun as I figured it would melt by mid day. Now that it is night the snow flies again and this looks like
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, Well I just finished Good to Great by Jim Collins. I had heard about this book long before I got it, and wanted it for some time. I have to say that overall it was only OK for me. This was my first read from this author and h
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, You just need to set goals. You need to have good goals. Reach for the sky... Yeah Right! We have all heard these goal cliches. But setting goals goes beyond just saying you are going to do something or knowing what you want.
Spokane Wa Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, I just finished Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. It was pretty good. It reminded me of the who moved my cheese book by Spencer Johnson only not done as well. A short story that teaches you some lessons. The lessons th
Spokane Washington Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana Hello Everyone, I was having a conversation with my wife yesterday about politics. They always say don't talk politics or religion in business. I can see why. What we talked about is how in both cases, people have very little actual informat