Hello Everyone, Well everywhere you drive you see for sale signs, but what you don't see a lot of is Sold signs. Why? There is one key factor....Competition. That's right there are more and more homes and Real Estate agents and that means that the buyer has more and more choices and more people
Hello Everyone, We have exciting news, we are happy to announce the TQ Home Buyer's Club. It is a free membership that pays you 10% of our commission when you buy a Home in Spokane with Team Quintana. Everyone could use a little extra money when moving into a new home and we have added this bene
Hello Ross Quintana with Team Quintana bringing you another stunning home! This is an Exceptional Builders Home in Eastern Washington. With 5 Bedrooms and 4 Baths this home is sure to amaze you and over 5800 sqft. You know what you are going to get when a builder builds his own home and this o
Hello Everyone, I have to address this topic because it is something that can cause many problems in a Real Estate relationship and it can be avoided if addressed up front. I'm talking about how hard your Real Estate agent works. How many times have people hired an agent and then never sees them
Hello Everyone, Ok watch out I have to have a small vent on companies. I will start off by saying haven't we all called a customer service line that was far from customer service. It seems I have had to call many businesses lately and deal with issues. Most have fallen way short. I will say Farme
Hello Everyone, I just want to share with you an important part of our personal lives that affect every client we help. I had a choice a while back to build my Spokane Real Estate Team with anyone I wanted. I decided instead to work with friends and fellow Christians. Bottom line is my name is t
Hello Everyone, I couldn't resist, I know that everyone wants to get the most when selling their home. But where do we stop. We have all seen the little ran down home that is asking way to much money. My question is do the sellers of these homes ever go out shopping and look for the worst deals
Hello Everyone, Spokane Home Staging is starting to emerge. Home Staging nationwide has been a result of the increased competition from tens of thousands of new Realtors coming into the business over the last few years. Now the market is slowing down and this means with more Realtors looking for
Hello Everyone, Spokane Home Values are easier and more valuable to get than ever. In today's fast changing Spokane Real Estate Market, knowing what your home is worth is key to making good financial decisions. Whether you are thinking of Selling, Refinancing, or just curious about what your Spo
Hello Everyone, Spokane Home Sellers are faced with some tough choices in this market. There are many more homes on the market, the buyers are a little slower and picky, and many people overpaid a few years ago buying their Spokane homes at top dollar. Spokane Home pirces in the middle ranges