GLENNWILDE HOME FOR SALE - MARICOPA, AZ - PARADISE IN THE DESERT MARICOPA, AZ - When searching for your next home, it is always important to look at what amentities your neighborhood has to offer, as you have the ability to take advantage of these luxuries, as well as protect your home value. Gl...
FOX CROSSING - SOUTH CHANDLER, AZ - GREAT TIME TO BUY!! Chandler, AZ - Looking for a home in South Chandler at a reasonable price? Look no further than Fox Crossing. Real Estate purchasing can be summed up in three words: location, location, location. Fox Crossing, located at Ocotillo and Alma S...
RANCHO EL DORADO HOMES FOR SALE, MARICOPA, ARIZONA Maricopa, Arizona continues to present unbelievable opportunities to buyers looking for a great value. With homes starting from the high $60's, homebuyers can capitalize on this rough real estate market. Looking for a community that boasts a the...
COBBLESTONE FARMS, MARICOPA, AZ - GREAT COMMUNITY, GREAT VALUE!! Looking for a great home in Maricopa, Arizona? Look no further than Cobblestone Farms, Maricopa's Premier masterplanned community. Cobbelstone Farms, built by one of Arizona's top builders, Fulton Homes, has homes that range in squ...
RIO CROSSING HOMES FOR SALE, AVONDALE, AZ Avondale, Arizona, located in the heart of the Phoenix Metro Valley, offers a great location for you to call home. With fantastic proximity to both the I-10 Freeway and the 101 Freeway, it is quick drive to just about anywhere in Phoenix, including Sky H...