Christine Wade - Operations Strategist

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Christine Wade
Real Estate Virtual Assistant, Real Estate VA, Real Estate Support Services, Proud Property Assistance,, eRealty Assistance, eRealty Network, Christine Wade, REVA, Certified Virtual Assistant
Best Real Estate Virtual Assistant He took the time to write some nice things...but even nicer than what he wrote, was the fact that he took the time to do a video testimonial - my first ever - and I am honored.   Thanks so much to: Cory Barbee - best real estate team leader and trainer ever!!!
Active Rain Members...I Challenge You!!!  For the next week... I really didn't get as much accomplished here in the rain as I would have liked... and I am sure that many of you didn't either!  So, I challenge you all to go to my post from last week where I announced the free printable weekly tas...
Being a slightly in-denial over-achiever, I have a task sheet / list that I write out every week and stick in my work remind me and help me keep track of making the most of my experience at Active Rain.  Granted, I don't always follow through and do all the tasks...but I wanted to s...
I am listed as a contributing author over at thought this was a pretty cool honor all on its own.  But if you visit the site and scroll down to the bottom of the page...there is a block that lists the most viewed posts on their site.  Guess who is #2!?!   I am not as active t...
Google Love or SPAM?  Keyword Targeted Link Anchor Text I wrote a post this morning over on my  Real Estate Virtual Assistant website after I read the article that is linked to the thumbnail image at the left.   Watch the video below where I go over that article with you...and then feel free to h...
Video on Video Marketing Tips for Real Estate!   Most of the info shared in this video is courtesy of the education that I received by attending SMM Camp#7 :-)   Video marketing is becoming very important in real estate...but only 1% of agents are using it as a listing tool...that's crazy!   Know...
I obsess over that "Statistics" link on the left side on My Home in Active Rain after I post a blog article...but I would like to know how people are finding my blog articles, how they came to my profile page, etc...wouldn't you?  I know you can install Google Analytics on your outsid...
If you could ask Active Rain for ONE feature...what would it be? No, I don't mean "feature" like - I mean like if you could change one thing or improve one thing on Active Rain...what would it be? I have two...and I know they are sick of hearing me ask for the first I am going to pretend...
  I recently had one of my Real Estate Virtual Assistant clients ask me about BlockShopper and if I thought it was worth it or not.  I honestly have no prior experience with the thought I would take the question to the experts.  Do you feel that the Blockshopper "Active Agent" or "Ulti...
Cell Service on Gopher Canyon in Vista CA...FINALLY!!! I have noticed something fabulous over the last week or so...I tested it on day one...made it all the way through.  I tested it on day two...made it all the way through.  I tested it on day three...made it all the way through yet again!!!  I ...