Stowe Vermont - 3rd Quarter 2013 - Market Report Homes Sold I finally got my numbers together for the 3rd quarter of Home Sales in the Stowe, Vermont area. Below is a chart showing sales Statewide, Stowe, Waterbury, Morristown, Hyde Park, Elmore, Johnson and Wolcott VERMONT. STATEWIDE - The numb
Stowe Area Homes Sales Show Significant Improvement - 2nd Quarter Report 2013 The numbers are in and crunched. Based on Stowe Vermont Home Sales in the 2nd quarter of 2013 vs. 2nd quarter of 2012, the home sales market has improved for Sellers. I feel that this area is still a Buyers' Market,
Stowe, Vermont - Springtime Photos 2013 One thing I love about real estate, is I get to drive around all over the area. Whether showing homes or listing them, I almost always have my camera on me. And I absolutely love photography. So, I decided to write a blog showing some of my favorite pho
Foreclosures, Bank Owned, REOs - Vermont FORECLOSURES or BANK OWNED PROPERTIES - Stowe, Vermont Area Vermont does not have many bank owned real estate properties. However, I feel that the number has increased and will continue to increase in the next few years. Our MLS system does not allow
State of the Real Estate Market in Stowe, Vermont The first quarter of 2013 is over. At the end of the quarters, I try to take time to look at the real estate numbers and make some sense out of them. Trust me, this has been challenging lately. I keep reading about how prices of homes are going
Stowe, Vermont - Low Inventory of Properties for Sale - "There's Not an App for That" Inman News had an article written by Teresa Boardman, a broker in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was entitled "Low Inventory: There's not an app for that". It was a great article about the shrinking inventory of prop
Stowe Vermont Land Sales - Market Report for Years 2005 through 2012 Now that 2012 is over, I have been compiling my year end data for my sales reports. Land is hard to quantify because prices vary so much based on factors not easily apparent. Such factors include:1. Size of Lot - Generally, t
Stowe Vermont Home Sales - Market Report 2005 through 2012 Stowe, Vermont is a beautiful, four season resort town. Stowe has a full time population of about 4,500 people. Many of Stowe homes and condos are vacation and second homes. Below are market statistics by year and a chart for each year
Stowe Vermont Condo and Townhome Sales - Market Report 2005 through 2012 Stowe, Vermont as a four season resort has many condo/townhome projects. The majority of these properties are owned by second home and vacation home owners. As a result of the tightening of banking regulations, mortgage co
Vermont Ranked as the Healthiest State in the Country per 2012 United Health Foundation Report Decemer 12, 2012 - The United Health Foundation ranked VERMONT as the healthiest state in the Country. This is the fourth consecutive year that Vermont has been ranked at the top. The rankings are part