I just upgraded to a Rainmaker Account and I'm pretty excited! My wife Tammie has been blogging (and been a Rainmaker) for a number of years and we made a deal. If I could prove to her (and myself) that I would stick with the blogging until I reached 100,000 points, I would upgrade to a Rainmaker...
I just stumbled upon NAR's 2013 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. To many of you this may be old news as it was released last November. Somehow I missed it. I thought I would pick out a couple of highlights and give you the link, in case you were interested in the report. I came across informat...
Some time ago we listed a very fine home in an exclusive community outside of Nashville. The neighborhood was wonderful, the price point was great, and we were thrilled to have obtained this listing. It's important to note that at the time this occurred this community was in a buyer's market. The...
How Do You Rate On Readability? I really enjoy reading posts. I've discovered that every single one of us writes differently and has a unique "voice". That is a really good thing. But I've also discovered that some posts are easier to read than others. I'm not talking about content here. Sometime...
Too Bad He Didn't Take Our Advice on a Referral I hear all the time that "agents are not created equal". Usually that is a comment made by an agent talking about other agents. Today I heard that repeated to us, not by an agent, but by a client. We listed this couple's home several weeks ago and g...
Can You Afford Not To Have A Fire Extinguisher? Today I'm in the process of mounting a fire extinguisher in our garage, right near the entrance into the house. It is centrally located and right near our kitchen. It got me thinking of how many homes we have shown over the past several months that ...
Mr. Client, Just Let Me Do My Job My wife Tammie and I often discuss whether we would rather work with buyers or sellers. Our business is such that we work with both. I maintain that my preference is driven by their willingness to trust our abilities as professionals and less about whether they a...
What We've Got Here is a Failure to Communicate You get extra points (not really) if you remember that line was spoken to Paul Newman by the prison warden in the 1967 movie, Cool Hand Luke. It's one of the most famous lines in all moviedom, actually number eleven on the AFI list. And who doesn't ...
Change Out That Light Fixture Before You Put It On The Market! Last week we closed on a home that should have been smooth sailing...but wasn't. It was a cash deal on a rather high end property and we represented the buyer. While we were being shown the home by the listing agent, she casually ment...