Last Saturday we traveled from Grand Rapids, MI to Midland, MI to take part in becoming one voice for our right to ride. As you could tell from my previous article, I was excited! I would love to give you a glowing report and tell you that the TRAM (Trail Riders Alliance of Michigan) meeting went
Riding a horse in Michigan these days seems to be one heck of a battle. Living in a small town outside of Grand Rapids, called Allendale, makes it no different then any where else in Michigan. My home is located on 7 acres bordered by State Land. Many of you have seen my posts, "From my Back W
January is radon awareness month in Michigan. How do I know? Because I just had one of my buyers perform a radon inspection on their potential brand new house . . . . and guess what? The levels were at 15.7 which is almost four times the legal limit. What does this mean? It means the builder
There is enough bad news in West Michgan so we are going to look at some positive news! The number of active listings in the West Michigan Area have decreased for SIX months in a row. That is very good news! The Five Star brokers sent this out today--they are choosing to have a good attitude an
News Flash: 4-day Texas Hold'em event is scheduled to benefit the Allendale Band and Choir! You may be wondering why the Band and Choir is working so feverishly to raise money! Did you know that the Allendale Public School Choir and Band was selected to perform at Disney World in the spring 20
I have been working on an outside blog called Blessed by Horses. It is a blog about my horse activities. It is a blog I did just for myself and I thought it would give just a little more insight as to who I am. I guess it would be my personal blog. It isn't ready yet as I am still in the lea
West Michigan has disappeared. No longer does the state look like a mitten. It is being called the Alaska syndrome. Word has it that West Michigan does still exist but it is buried under several inches feet of snow. The city's started disappearing first. It has been reported that each neighbor ke
There are people out in the world who don't view the glass as half full. It is always half empty. There are people in this world who think that their problems are the worst. . .no one could have it worse than me! They wallow in their own self pity. Have you ever seen someone get so mad about
Allendale, MI High School Presents . . . Holiday Concert 2008 by the HIgh School Choir, Chamber Choir and Band Each year at this time I press my daughter, when is the Choir and Band Concert this year? I look forward to hearing the young voices so clear and beautiful. Of course my daughter is on
Even though this blog was written by a Phildelphia Realtor, everything she said applies to every region including here in Michigan. As a seller you need to take a close look at your motivations to sell because the competition is fierce. There are sometimes three years of inventory in any give