Thanks to Bathmasters, a company that does Bathtub Resurfacing in West Michigan, my bathub looks like brand new. I wrote a post several weeks back, Bathtub Refinishing West Michigan - Will they be able to make my tub look new again?, about checking into having my bathtub refinished or resurfac
West Michigan Short Sales-If I knew then what I know now about Michigan Short Sale Experts I would have been able to help some really incredible people stop their home from foreclosing. I would have been able to put them in the position to purchase a home in 12-18 short months iinstead of years!
Bathtub Refinishing West Michigan - Will they be able to make my tub look new? I got a quote from a company yesterday to have a bathtub restoration done in my West Michigan home. We just can't keep it clean anymore and we really don't want to rip it out-it would be so much easier to do a bathtub
My Daughter, Lindsey Vroma, named Top Student Web Designer in the Nation! To say I am a proud Mama would be a serious understatement. How many parents can say their daughter took the title as Top Student Web Designer in the Nation according to Business Professionals of America? When my daughter
Safety Steps for Women Realtors - Don't Make Yourself a Target!I have not been in the Rain for a while. After being gone for a while I have to tell you, what I really want to do is write about how my daughter just took the honors of top student we
It feels good to be missed . . . . . . . I have gotten several emails inquiring . . . "Tami where have you been?" I still find it unbelievable that people you have never really met in person actually notice your missing on line presence. Well the answer to why I haven't been on Active Rain is pre
Every once in a while I like to do a post on who I am besides Tami Vroma, Grand Rapids Real Estate Specialist. Today I was driving back from doing a walk through on house that is due to close next week (thank you God!). A song came on the radio that put a lump in my throat and I felt the tears s
If you had to give one piece of Advice for Hiring a Grand Rapids Realtor, what would it be? Isn't it interesting how people love to ask questions in elevators? Being one of those people who can talk to anyone and being a Realtor in the the Grand Rapids Real Estate Market, the question I hear th
Grand Rapids Short Sale Agents present-FAQ's for Buyers and Sellers in a West Michigan Short Sale Market buying and selling in the West Michigan Real Estate Market The West Michigan real estate market is loaded with listings that are termed, "short sales". You hear it all the time. "They are se
How to price a home in the Grand Rapids Real Estate Market When an agent arrives at a price to list your Grand Rapids home at, he or she should share with you how he arrived at the figure. What facts from the West Michigan Real Estate market did he share with you to help you make an educated dec