As we live our lives, sometimes we forget the roots of our traditions. This year I wanted to “quiz” you on the Memorial Day Holiday. Have fun with it… and share it with you kids so we can keep the tradition of remembering our fallen Soldiers who fought for centuries to protect and preserve ou...
I wrote a blog months ago about FHA flips being back and how they may need a home inspection, for months no one noticed. Then in the last two weeks I have been getting calls from banks almost daily. I guess they googled FHA Flips need a Home Inspection and found my blog. It seems they didn't know...
Memorial day is coming up May 30, are you ready. I was wondering, how do you spend that day? Why is it only a day? Some of these soldiers gave their life or were wounded badly and we spend a day or two remembering them. I say lets start a movement on Active Rain. Lets show our appreciation to t...
Only in America drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. Only in America can you have a first mortgage, A second Mortgage, a line of credit, and call yourself a HOMEOWNER Only...
WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT TO TURN ON THE TV AND HEAR ANY U.S. PRESIDENT, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN, GIVE THE FOLLOWING SPEECH? 'My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed. Since Congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is ...
More than 13,000 fires a year start in laundry rooms in the United States, resulting in 10 deaths and $97 million in property damage. Nearly 4,000 of these fires arise from lint buildup that occurs when people fail to clean their dryer vents. The following safety information from Consumer Reports...
This was written by an attorney in Florida and has some good information if you are dealing with short sales. I think it may be helpful to know this information if you are advising tou clients at all about a short sale. I don't know if this is a oone time thing or the same info they use every t...
The majority of the minor cracks found during a home inspection can be attributed to soil movement, directly related to the grading and drainage around the home. When water is allowed to soak into the soils next to or under a home it can and will cause changes in the soil. Some soils in this area...
I decided to start writting a different tip each week and e-mailing it out to my clients, I thought I would share them here incase some agents want to include them in their newsletters. Here is this weeks tip. Check the water hoses on the clothes washer, refrigerator icemaker and dishwasher for c...
You see it all the time, Name any symptom and someone will tell you how to fix it. I see it in our healthcare system and I am sure you do to. Take this drug to address this symptom. Then the add is followed by a list of side effects. I was wondering , Are you helping people treat a symptom or cor...