We would like to present ‘Westside Detached Stat Package’ for the week of October 8th – October 13th. The Westside Detached market saw a continual firming up of sales conditions as solid numbers from the last week of September carried into the first two weeks of October. Supply numbers remained
We would like to present our ‘Westside Attached Stat Package‘, for the week of October 8th – October 13th. New listing supply remained strong on the Westside this past week with 114 new attached listings (up from 75 the previous week), and continued to outpace sales activity in the Westside atta
We have compiled sales and listings statistics for the period running from October 8th to October 13th, and released them in this easy to read format! If you have any further questions or require more detail please get in touch with us. New listing supply in Vancouver continued to trend upwards
New Listing: Vancouver 2 Bedroom Condo 1505 950 Cambie StreetVancouverV6B 5X5 »map »more details Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms (full): 2 Price: $444,900 Year Built: 1994 Yearly Tax: $1802.98 Maintenance Fee: $264.23 Interior SQ. FT.: 865 Basement: None Garage: 2 cars Living Room Bedroom Dining Room Bedr
We would like to present ‘Westside Detached Stat Package’ for the week of September 21st – September 28th. The Westside Detached market saw a continual firming up of sales conditions as confirmed sales volume demonstrated positive growth for the second straight period after three weeks of below
We would like to present our ‘Westside Attached Stat Package‘, for the week of September 21st – September 28th. New listing supply rose for the third consecutive week, and continued to outpace sales activity in the Westside attached market during the late-September period. We saw 130 new at
We have compiled sales and listings statistics for the period running from September 21st to September 28th, and released them in this easy to read format! If you have any further questions or require more detail please get in touch with us. We continued to see growth in attached listing supply
We would like to present ‘Westside Detached Stat Package’ for the week of September 15th – September 21st. The Westside Detached market saw a firming up of sales conditions as confirmed transaction volume rose significantly after three weeks of below average performance to end August and begin S
We would like to present our ‘Westside Attached Stat Package‘, for the week of September 15th – September 21st. New listing supply remained strong for the second consecutive week in most neighbourhoods, and continued to outpace sales activity in the Westside attached market during the mid-Sep
We have compiled sales and listings statistics for the period running from September 15th to September 21st, and released them in this easy to read format! If you have any further questions or require more detail please get in touch with us. Sales volume continued to perform modestly, not quite