Nobody is looking at Houses in Texas or Northern CA when the World Series is on. Strangely enough my phone goes dead, no one will make a listing or buying appointment not when the Rangers and the Giants are on TV. If you can't be at ATT park, which may be the most beautiful venue in all Ball P
i happened across this charming little girl as she decided to take a bite out of this ice cream cone. We were walking on the pier in Monterey, CA. I'm sure her mom, had she noticed been mortified that her daughter was licking a plastic cone? ickWordless Wednesday - - - Cell: 209-914-5573 | Direc
This is a problem in Tracy. I know there are agents in Mountain House that are equally inept in thier ability to effecitvely list a property. If your agent is not giving you the service you want, talk to them about it. You are in the driver's seat. Is a Property COMING SOON when it's been on
yes this is one of my dogs. She was so sad when her best friend out little terrior died. Now she has a puppy that irritates her to death. I frequently run across Short Sale Sellers feel the same way. Help is here if you want it.Wordless Wednesday-- so what does this photo say to you? I can hel
I live in Tracy and I work in Mountain House and Tracy. Seeing Macy's come to town is awesome. Hopefully it will revive the mall. Black Bear Diner will open soon. How exciting are all these changes for the City of Tracy and the Community of Mountain House. City of Tracy - we're changing for the
Houses in Mountain House - Are you buying? If you're considering moving to Mountain House, CA I'd like to make a couple of suggestions. As a local agent there are somethings you should know. 1) You should use a local agent. While family friends, an agent from miles away, etc can give great advis
Where do we go next? If the banks can't/won't foreclose, is there any reason for anyone to make another house payment? Wil people pursue any type of loan mod or short sale? What is your solution. I will call this week The Foreclosure Central, for we have had more movement in the Foreclosure S
Buyers in Mountain House California, can search for a property by using this link: Homes for Sale in Mountain House. Times are great to buy. Prices are low, interest rates are phenomenal. WOW. Contact me today for a personal tour of homes for sale. Or at least miss out on that property you ha
As a short sale seller you DO NO PAY REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS! This amount is paid by the bank when they approve the short sale. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE if you are behind in your house payments in Mountain House, CA. Please contact me today. Let's talk about options. Loan Mod? Short Sale? Fore
Bank of American analysts recommend that the Federal Government give millions to Property Management companies to buy properties and put people in rentals. Really, is that what is best for our communities.BofA Analysts Recommend Spending BILLIONS .... for RENTALS! I've been working on Short Sa