Susan Peters's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Dove Realty Inc.
Seattle Realtor and Staging Professional gives Tips and Hints on How to Sell Your Home Faster and at a Higher Price, and for Buyers on How to Make Your New Home into a Model.



I was enjoying a leisurely breakfast a couple of weeks ago when I smelled something electrical burning.  I quickly followed the smell down to my basement and, much to my shock, I found my old electric water heater had flames coming out of the bottom of it!  It was surrounded by all sorts of store...
No it's not what you think. It's just another way to make a bed without dragging out a ton of linens. First of all you don't need a full set of sheets. A flat twin will do if you put it on sideways and short sheet the bed. Needless to say, don't try this in an occupied home. You can use a king si...

Susan Peters

The Better it Looks the Better it Sells
smartphone(206) 781-1724
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