Located in the 19th Ward of the City of Rochester, this home is located at 351 Inglewood Drive. It is up for sale for $89,900. It has 3 bedrooms with refinished hardwood floors and cedar closets. The bathroom has been totally remodeled to a delux bathroom!
I know they say that March comes in like a Lion and out as a Lamb, but that's not what we are seeing in our weather this year, 2014!!! I woke up this morning to look out my front door to see this........ 10 inches of snow! I'd say it has been a Lion all month! As a Realtor, I think it has hampere
The BIG question on everybody's mind is when will Spring Come? Old Man Winter has a fierce grip on us! For those of us in Upstate New York, it has been a winter to match the winters of yesteryears! I know what the Groundhog said, but will this cold and snowy and blustery weather ever end?
Thought this was interesting and very practical. Have you tried any of these uses before? 20 practical ways you can use Coke as a domestic cleaner Removes grease stains from clothing and fabric Removes rust; methods include using fabric dipped in Coke, a sponge or even aluminum foil. Also loosen
Happy Valentine's Day! Do you know how it originated? Here are 6 surprising facts about Valentine's Day. How do you celebrate it? Do you buy flowers? Do you buy the card weeks before or the day before? Do you plan to go out to a restaurant? Do you plan to go to a show? Is it a collaborative plan
It's that day of the year that we have an opportunity to turn back the Hands of Time! It is actually supposed to happen at 2 am on Sunday, but who is going to stay up that late to do it! Most of us will go around our home turning back the clocks before we head off to the bedroom to sleep. I like
I asked Premium Mortgage to answer this question for me and here is their answer. "As you might imagine, we've had quite a few questions regarding how the current government shutdown is going to affect the mortgage process. Here's our answer: Although it is pretty much business as usual for obt
Hello everyone!! RochesterREguy here, also know as Steve Babbitt Today is July 1st! We have now completed six months of the year and are in the second half of 2013! Questions to ask yourself would be: 1. How am I doing with my business? 2. How am I doing with my sales? 3. What are the goals
As I communicate with my Realtor friends across the country and hear the double digit percentages that they are experiencing in their market, I have to wonder, " Are home prices rising at an unsustainable rate?" What do you think? Isn't this what happened in 2005 and 2006, that created the probl
We have been hearing from agents around the country that activity has picked up and they are seeing a shorter time on the market and stronger sale prices in their real estate markets than they have had in the past! So how does Rochester real estate fit into this? Here's the scoop from the Pres