It seemed unreal when it happened on that morning of September 11th, 2001 How could this be happening was my thought! We will Never Forget that day! If you haven't visited the Memorial to those that perished that day, put it on your calendar! You will be in awe when you see it!
Every May, about 5,000 Realtors fly into Washington, DC for the NAR Mid Year Meetings which cover governance and legislative issues and "Hill" visits to our elected officials. This was my 15th year in a row attending these meetings, but it was my first to be going as the Federal Political Coordin
Looking to relocate to Rochester, New York? Beaumont Estates is the place to settle. Here is a video of this exquisite home! Check it out!
Happy Leap Year Day! Today is February 29th which only happens every four years! Imagine being born on this day and only being able to celebrate it every 4 years!
We hope you each had a very Merry Christmas this year!Hopefully you were able to spend some time with family and friends and maybe were even surprised by an out of town friend or relative!More than presents are the relationships we have with people. No one goes to their deadbed saying I wish I g
Happy July 4th America!Today we celebrate the 239th Birthday of our great land!We are great because of the moms and dads, uncles and aunt, sisters and brothers and friends who gave their life for our Freedom!Let Freedom Ring! Sound off that Liberty Bell one more time for those who have fallen to
Happy Cinco de Mayo!Many of my friends have a annual party they go to with friends or a special place they go/What are you plans to celebrate this fun and festive day?
Okay, let's hear it! Who is planning some funny April Fools Day tricks? Have a great Day!
We have all heard the saying about March - "In like a Lion and out like a Lamb" I think this March is going to fit that description perfectly! Happy Spring!
Possibly one of the harshest winters in a very long time, we were all anxiously waiting for the calendar to tells us that Spring had arrived on March 20th! Weather-wise, it has suddenly turned mild and it really feels like the beginning of spring in Rochester!