As Realtors a national holiday does not mean that we have the day off and will not be working! We are a service business and many times the national holiday means the buyer has time to look at houses.I have had some national holidays that I worked the entire time and other times where I only sho
Where are you planning to be to watch the solar elipse today?
Happy New Year's Eve!Today is the last day of the 2016!Tomorrow is New Year's Day and we will begin a New Year of 2017!Do you make New Year's resolutions?Have you set your sales goals for 2017?With the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Holidays, it is tough to find the time to find a quiet space
We have arrived at the eve of the Big Day, Christmas Day!Who is doing some last minute shopping?Are the stocking hung on the mantle filled with little gifts for those boys and girls?You can track Santa and his Reindeer as they deliver presents to all the boys and girls around the world using this
Welcome to the first day of winter!Today is the shortest day of the year! That means it is also the longest night! Think of what you can do with that!Here is an illustration of the earth and sun and the angle of the rays.And Christmas is only 4 days away!
Well, we are down to just 10 days before Christmas Eve! Are you still looking for that perfect gift for that special person in your life?Or are you like me and trying to deliver some Christmas cheer to some customers?Whether you fall into either of these camps, be sure to stop and pause and enjoy
So.....where did you do your Christmas shopping this year?I think Cyber Monday is getting more popular and Black Friday is losing shoppers. What do you think?We do a blend of online and store shopping.
Happy Thanksgiving!Wishing you Blessings of Health, Happiness, and Success on Thanksgiving and always!