Stephen Marshal's (stephenmarshal) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Be Basic CEO
Home is where the heart is. Home is one of the most serious investments in one’s life. Making sure the right tools are used and the job is efficiently done is a priority. Choose professionals and no one else for the best experience. The job demand precision and hands-on experience for a long-last...
Not that long ago, it was believed that the future of real estate lies in transaction automation, which implies connecting buyers and sellers and enabling them to finalize the desired home purchase. Automation will play an important part when it comes to buying and selling property. Nonetheless, ...
As fast as 2020 ends, 2021 is just around the corner and it’s time to look forward. Consider buying ski property as an investment. You can spend your entire life skiing in your favorite resort. You’ve got a safe haven in the mountains where you can enjoy fresh air, fitness, and make lifetime memo...
Cyber fraud is an ongoing threat, and you might think that it’s all about cybercriminals stealing your information. But there are far more concerns about cybercrime. When hearing about cybercrimes, your first thought might be to stop using the internet entirely. But that could be a too drastic de...
You’ve made sure your home is ready for sale. But what about your landscape? Is it ready to make potential homebuyers fall in love with your property? Here are five easy landscaping tips to prepare your garden to impress prospective buyers. If you want prospective buyers to feel love at first sig...
The benefits of having many plants around your home are many. They improve air quality, reduce stress, and make you feel a lot happier. These are just great for your health, especially. The key to a beautiful and fresh interior décor is to add plants. The atmosphere will instantly change and make...
By now, we know that the novel coronavirus spreads from person to person through the liquid particles people generate when they breathe, talk, cough, or sneeze. This is why maintaining physical distance and wearing a face-mask is one of the most important things you can do to slow down the spread...
What do your kids need to be successful in life? Are their good grades enough to know that your kids will thrive at everything in their life, including relationships, career, and setbacks? Most likely not, because grades do not define who we are as a person and how we will handle life challenges ...
The 12-step rehab program, which helps recover from substance addictions, behavioral addictions, and compulsions, doesn’t provide the best path to recovery. This dominant treatment has been debunked by researchers, who have discovered more effective options, such as non 12-step rehab. Back in 200...
In the past few months, people have been spending more and more time at home – either because they had to switch to remote work or because lockdown restrictions prevented them from going out with friends. And while this is something positive when it comes to the relationship we have with our home...

Stephen Marshal

Stephen Marshall is a Director of Be Basic CEO
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