I was SO happy when I met with the seller Friday to de-stage the home and he told me that their house has been sold $49,000 OVERASKING! It took a little bit longer than they thought, but they got there. I staged it on 8/3/2007 and they received their offer on 9/29/2007. Not bad in a rough housin
Ladies and gents, We have a winner of the blog critique contest!!!! (drum roll please….) The winner is Diane Tepper of Renaissance Home Staging and Redesign who had given me an amazing critique (all 15 pages!) on the website and my writing. I cannot thank her enough! It’s always to get a fresh se
Just a mindful reminder for all those of you have wanted to submit the article but keep forgetting to do it! It's very easy, just go to the link: http://blogcarnival.com/bc/submit_2606.html to submit or if it doesn't work since there are no permalink in AR which makes submitting difficult with th
Just a mindful reminder for all those of you have wanted to submit the article but keep forgetting to do it! It's very easy, just go to the link: http://blogcarnival.com/bc/submit_2606.html to submit or if it doesn't work since there are no permalink in AR which makes submitting difficult with th
Just a mindful reminder for all those of you have wanted to submit the article but keep forgetting to do it! It's very easy, just go to the link: http://blogcarnival.com/bc/submit_2606.html to submit or if it doesn't work since there are no permalink in AR which makes submitting difficult with th
Apparently turning lights out in San Francisco for even 1 hour could save as much as 15% of the energy consumed on an average Saturday night (!!). LightsOutSF has asked all the residents in San Francisco to turn off lights for 1 hour 8-9pm this Saturday night to help raise awareness of the issue
I want to turn people onto this great event: It’s October 26-28th and if you love furnishing and home styling like I do, you should check it out: Here is the 411 of the show: (The director of Godfather will be presenting his wine.. hmmm.. I wonder what it taste like?!) Exhibition + Sale Welcome
Wednesday Series: Why Staged Homes Don’t Sell. In the series, we are going to cover: What A Well Staged Home Does for a SaleHow Listing Agents Unintentionally Sabotage Their Own Staged ListingsWhat is the Seller’s Problem?How A Stager Can Potentially Kill Your DealOther Real Estate Professionals’
**This blog is posted in conjunction of Blog Action Day Even though stagers may not has a dramatic impact as an architect & a real estate developer who can influence the making of a house directly, there are still a few ways that we can contribute to make it a greener & better world by advising t
I suppose if you are raising 5 children, or 7 by now? You might as well raise them in style. Warning: Gaudiness, gold-laced furniture, and blinding shiny marble floors may be included. Some points of interest include: every US President since Herbert Hoover has checked into this suite, also in