Winter weather is coming fast. Bourbonnais, Illinois was 36 degrees last night.      There are a few things that are worse than a furnace acting up in the middle of the winter, but for the life of me I can't think of any right now. Your furnace or boiler needs an annual checkup. REPEATING   Your ...
Things I wish I knew- As I have gotten older, I realize there are so many things I just don't know anything about. I wish I did, but either I never took the time or didn't realize I really wanted to know about that skill or idea or information to learn about it. For instance, I have always wanted...
Fresher than Fresh, sounds great doesn't it? It's the name of my salsa that just has a nice ring to it. Well, I wish I could take credit for the recipe, but I can't. Back in old days before cell phones and online recipes, there was these things called magazines. I sold lumber and building materia...
What might have been different about this picture...     This will always be a very emotional picture for me and all of my family. It was taken on Christmas Day in 2012. That means it was exactly 13 days after I came home from the hospital after a heart attack. On December 10, 2012, at 1:30 in th...
Perry Farm is a winning visit for the family.Bourbonnais Illinois is the home of the Perry Farm. Today it is listed by the National Park Service of the Dept of the Interior in the National Register of Historic Places. But it wasn't always like that.      In 1835, Thomas Durham moved his wife and ...
See if you can guess which one of these things are fake. 1. Buyer shows up wearing bright blue, yellow, red, orange and purple fingernail polish. 2. Buyer has on a woman's diamond engagement ring on his ring finger. 3. A friend shows up and proceeds to pull a box of cards and dice and a clear pla...
It's the Little Things     We have had a crazy amount of snow in Illinois this season. My snowblower has been running more this year that the past 3 years combined. Home inspections in Bourbonnais and surrounding areas have been a real challenge. Can't see the roof, huge drifts of snow to plow th...
It's not Hard to Like Agents Like This. I am a home inspector, with two inspectors on our team. While not the largest inspection company in Illinois, we are pretty big in our small part of the world. We complete approximately 600 inspections each year, and have been steadily growing for every one...
Odd, It was easy to be thankful this year.       I know it sounds crazy but there are so many things to be thankful for as this trying, agonizing, maddening, frustrating, sad, painful, distressing year comes to close.  But as for business and the steady background of the corona virus, the busine...
This post really caught my eye. I tell buyers all the time about taking care of their new home. maitaining it one of the best things they can do to keep or improve the value of the home. Fall is a great time to catch up on a few jobs you may have put off over the busy summer. Maybe it was so hot ...

Scott Seaton Jr. SLS Home Insp

The Home Inspector With a Heart!
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