Donna Hahn's (soldalot) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Rozanski Realty
A second wave of swine flu could hit this fall, and health experts recommend creating an emergency kit if the outbreak is severe. Of course, it's a good idea to keep a kit for any emergency. What you need for emergencies: Food At least three days' worth of nonperishable, ready-to-eat foods, such ...
AT YOUR NEW ADDRESS:              Check out service of telephone, gas, electricity, & water and possible cable              Check pilot light on stove, water heater, incinerator & water              Have new address recorded on drivers license or apply for new license              Register care w...
ON MOVING DAY:              Carry enough cash or travelers checks to cover cost of moving services and expenses until you make open accts.              Carry jewelry and documents yourself, or use registered mail              Plan transporting pets; they are poor traveling companies if unhappy   ...
AND DON'T FORGET TO:              Empty Freezer              Defrost Freezer, and clean Refrigerator, place charcoal to dispel odors              Have appliances serviced for moving              Sweep and mop all vinyl or ceramic floors              Sweep garage floor              Clean rugs or c...
Medical, Dental, Prescription Histories:              Ask doctors, dentists for referrals (if moving out of state)              Transfer needed prescriptions, eyeglasses, X-rays              Obtain Birth records, medical records, etc.  
Utility Companies:         Call the Gas, Light, Water, Telephone and Cable Companies and have the service stopped in your name for the day of closing.        Remember to Get Refunds on any deposits that you may have had to make on the accounts.
Insurance: Notify company of new location for coverage's: Life, Health, Fire & Auto
Things to do at the Bank: Transfer Funds if needed, Arrange check-cashing in new city Arrange Credit Reference Find out where the closest ATM Machine other than at the BankIf you would like to search for a new home please go to
BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Give change of address to:              Post Office, Charge Accounts, Credit Cards              Subscriptions: notice requires several weeks              Friends and Families  
About Today's Market...That you'll never hear! Fact: Approximately 30% of all U.S. homes are free and clear and do not have a mortgage. Fact: Of the 70% of households that do have a mortgage, 96.7% are not in foreclosure. Source: Mortgage Bankers Association It seems like every time we turn on th...