DABDA is an acronym used in psychology, usually to describe the 5 steps of the grieving process. But these stages can be applied to most difficult situations with which people are presented, such as being in default with one's Lender. They states are: Denial - "My Lender is really not going to f
Looking for some fun, interesting things to do this weekend of April 4 through April 6? As always, there is little need to leave the friendly confines of Rockland County. Friday, April 4Young Musicians Night 8 PM - Various artists. Tickets are $8 Riverspace Arts in Nyack 119 Main Street Nya
Really. I am asking. How did I get there? And how do I stay there?Here is my story. On March 24 - or only about 10 days ago - I registered the url www.firstrockland.com/ with Register.com. I then built a fairly simple Web site in Microsoft Frontpageand published it. The name of my mortgage
Who is the bigger hero? We have all heard the terms:Some days you are the hammer, and some days you are the nail.Or, some days you are the windshield, and some days you are the bug.Like many others out there in the mortgage industry, in recent months, I have felt like the bug on a windshield . .
Access Rockland County Sheriff's Office Registry of Sex OffendersAs unpleasant of a thought as this might be, there are registered sex offenders living in Rockland County, just like virtually every other place in the United States. Fortunately for us, the Rockland County Sheriff's Officehas take
Have you seen the signs posted all over Rockland County? These intriguing postings are located on many exit ramps of the Palisades Interstate Parkway and on most major roads throughout the County. All are advertising Free Mosquito-Eating Fish? I only wish that I could come up with an advertis
I do not know how many of you out there are using Equifirst for non-prime loans, but I thought it worth noting that the following programs have been eliminated and resultant LTV changes have been made effective immediately according an email from my Account Executive. (Any loans in the pipeline
We all need our stand-by's. When I can't think of a drink to order, I get a 7&7. When nothing on the menu is jumping out at me, I go for the porterhouse. And when I'm in charge of buying the cigars, I reach for the Macanudo Hampton Court.The Macanudo brand enjoys a stellar reputation and great
Today in Rockland County, Tuesday, April 1, 2008, April Fools' Day, is brought to you by First Rockland Financial, "Rockland County's Mortgage Company." For some live musical entertainment tonight, you might want to attend Tuesday night jazz at the Riverspace Cafe's featureing local trumpeter Dua
I am, of course, a huge College Basketball fan. But because my beloved Eagles made neither the NCAA nor the NIT Tournament - and because the team I chose to win it all in my office pool, Pittsburgh, lost last weekend - my interest has waned. As such, I have turned my attention, as I usually d