Here’s the scoop on mortgage rates for the week of 9/23/2011.30-year fixed-rate mortgages: averaged 4.09 percent, matching last week’s record-hitting average. Last year at this time, 30-year rates averaged 4.37 percent. 15-year fixed-rate mortgages: averaged 3.29 percent, marking a new all-time r
According to the latest housing data released by Florida Realtors®.Sales activity and median prices for Florida’s existing home and existing condo markets rose in August 2011.Existing home sales increased 15 percent last month with a total of 16,206 homes sold statewide compared to 14,131 homes s
Foreclosure filings, defined as a default notice, auction sale notice, or bank repossession show a 4 percent decrease in July from June, and a 35 percent decrease from the same period a year ago, according to RealtyTrac's July 2011 Foreclosure Market Report. 10. Wisconsin Rate: One in every 571
Fla. foreclosures could bypass court system. Gov. Scott and GOP: Want to take courts out of foreclosure process to speed it up the process and boost the economy. Supporters of this concept already used in nearly 30 states – say it will speed foreclosures, get houses back onto the market and boo
Selling your home via a short sale can be a viable option if you are a homeowner facing foreclosure. The process of a short sale can be a bit challenging and frustrating without the proper guidance. For the best results, you should work with Real Estate agent that can guide you successfully th
Attention: Homeowners Until the recent downturn in the economy the thought of doing a short sale was unheard of but in today’s world, it’s one of if not the best way to get your family’s financial status back on track. In the past couple of years, banks were reluctant to work with a homeowner to
In this market, more and more people are attempting to sell homes. Modern homes are the latest craze that potential buyers are looking for. However, there are other ways to make your home a more successful sale, even if it isn’t very modernized. Here are a few tips that will rank you higher in
According to the recent reports taken on August 19th here’s the weekly update on the all-time low mortgage rates: 30 year fixed-rate mortgages: averaged at 4.15 compared to last week’s 4.32 percent. (The previous all-time-low record was 4.17) 15 year fixed-rate mortgages: dropped to 3.36 percent
Mortgage rates continued to move lower as investor concerns over the health of the US economy increased, reports mortgage rate research website, Interest rates advertised on the site have dropped to near their lowest point of 2011 for most products, with the 15 year fixed rea
Previously, married couples held the majority in households. In 1960, they owned 75% of households in the United States. However, according to recent US Census data, they aren’t anymore – dropping a total of 48%! The new leaders, who have increased dramatically, are family-households and non-fami