I feel compelled to write this post, because most first time home buyers don't understand the process of buying a home, but they don't know that they don't know the process. They think they know, but they don't. So this post is a short little primer on what you should do when you decide to buy
I've advised more than once on this blog that if you don't have to sell your house now, WAIT. There is a large number of homes for sale in Shreveport and the surrounding area in most price ranges making it a buyer's market. Locally sales are off by about 20% overall which is much better than othe
Being hailed as the fourth largest natural gas deposit in the world, by now everybody living in the Shreveport/Bossier area has heard about what is called the Haynesville Shale formation. Everybody and his brother has been offered a contract to lease their mineral rights which is throwing a nice
Here I am poised to write my first (technically my second - I wrote one way back in March and gave up or got distracted or something) AR blog post and I find myself practically catatonic. Is it the A) cult following that some bloggers have that puts pressure on us newbies? B) dazzling intellect