I recently submitted a post to another group outside Active Rain in relation to the development of the home staging sub-industry of virtual staging. Virtual staging is the Clayton's Home Staging, the home staging when you don't stage a home. It allows a home owner to have very specific photos tak...
A good home stager understands it is not only their work that makes them stand out from the crowd, it is also the way they present their business that can have an impact on the work they get. After all, if we cannot present ourselves or our business well, how can we present our client's homes? We...
I am a firm believer that an upfront payment is the only way to go in the process of assisting clients sell their house particularly when I have my inventory sitting in their property for an extended period. It is that simple. I get my contract and payment and then the work is done. But just rece...
I have recently completed a number of vacant property home staging installations and I have been perplexed by the lack of use of photos taken after the installation to promote and market the property. In my market, a weekly liftout guide is published in the Friday edition of a major daily newspap...
With the proliferation of new home stagers entering the market, it is important to ensure that your business stays one step in front of the competition. Most home stagers really offer a similar range of services at similar prices so determining who the client will pick can often come down how the...
As a home stager with a large inventory of staging items built up over the last three years, there comes a time to decide on what stock needs to be sold off and what needs to be retained in order to remain fresh and fund new purchases It is a hard process, generally speaking the stock you buy to ...
I recently completed a staging project for a vacant property located in a city two hours north of where my inventory and I are based in Hobart, Tasmania. It was on behalf of an interstate developer who managed to find me online through my website who wanted furniture and accessory rental.Although...
In the ongoing search for unique (and light weight) artwork I recently invested in a pack of 10 wall tiles (or wall flats as the distributor calls them).These tiles are about 18" x 18" and are made from eco-friendly bamboo pulp which not only gives them a great smooth absorbant texture, but assis...
It has been sometime since I have been on Active Rain, and wow, things keep pumping along in here. It is so refreshing to come back after an absence and see the committed writers still providing us with their learnings, their inspirations and their terrific ideas.I have been spending time further...
It is an interesting experience being a property presenter (or home stager) in that you can encounter some negative feedback from people who have never used your services. I recently heard 2nd hand comments from an agent who had advised their vendor not to consider staging a property as the proce...

Adam Luttrell

Shift Property Styling - Hobart, Tasmania
smartphone(040) 874-4381
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