What is that noise in Raleigh NC? This past Saturday was another beautiful spring day in Raleigh NC. I’m sitting in my kitchen, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper and then I hear it. It took me a moment to register what I was hearing. Normally I hear birds, all kinds of birds, chirpi...
I am hosting my fourth CE class for REALTORS, May 7, 2013 in Raleigh, NC at the office of NC Housing Finance Agency. The 4 hours of continuing education will be on first time home buyers programs offered by NCHFA. All of the information you will need is in the following flyer. The classes do f...
I am pleased and excited to introduce the newest product from North Carolina Housing Finance Agency: the N.C. Home Advantage Mortgage™. Unlike the old $8k DAP program, which was complicated and time consuming, this new program is streamlined and simple. Some major bullet points are: · ...
2013 is shaping up to be a great time to buy a home in North Carolina. Mortgage rates are at historic lows, existing home inventory is good and new home construction is rising. Add to that, the NC unemployment rate is improving and rental costs are increasing, this will make 2013 a very active...
Up to $2,000 in Federal tax refund is available for first time home buyers in North Carolina. There is a program called “Mortgage Credit Certificate” (MCC) for first time home buyers in North Carolina. Normally the mortgage interest a homeowner pays is handled as a tax deduction, meaning it red...
Below market mortgage rates are available in North Caroline. North Carolina first time home buyers have a great program available to them by working with mortgage lenders who can offer North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) programs. One of the great programs that NCHFA offers is the “Fir...
Does your buyer need down payment help in North Carolina? If the answer is yes and your buyer is a first time home buyer there is help for you by working with a mortgage professional who offers the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) down payment assistance program. NCHFA can provid...
There are 10 things you should not do after you have applied for a mortgage. There are a lot of blogs and articles on what to do or not to do before you apply for a mortgage, but it is rarely addressed how a borrower’s action after applying for a mortgage can affect the outcome of the closing. ...
Costs of FHA mortgages are going up again. HUD announced this week that effective April 1, 2012 they are increasing FHA’s upfront mortgage insurance and monthly mortgage insurance. This came about after FHA’s Fiscal Year 2011 annual review. It was decided that immediate action was needed to ...
There are more low down payment programs for home buyer around Raleigh NC than you may think. Adding the historic low rates with an abundant number of homes listed for sale makes this the “perfect storm” for home buying. You do not have to put 20% down to buy a home; you can put 3.5%, 3.0% or ZE...