Staging New Hampshire

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Home Stager - Sharon Tara Transformations
Welcome to my blog! Now that I am retired, I don't blog as much as I used to, generally offering Home Staging advice and decorating tips when I do write. On Wednesdays I enjoy sharing a fun picture or meme using my grandchildren as my inspiration.



When I first moved into my home over two years ago, I knew I wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets, replace the laminate counters with granite, and add a tile backsplash.  Also, a new stove has been on my wish list just as soon as I could justify the expense of replacing a stove that works fine.Fo...
First impression is something you hear a lot about in real estate.  Whether it's referring to viewing MLS photos, curb appeal, or those first few seconds upon entering the front door, the impression first formed in a buyer's mind greatly influences their opinion of a property.Home Stagers often u...
For the last eight months I've been beyond frustrated with my htc Evo 4g LTE and Sprint's inability to provide adequate cell phone service. When I purchased my phone from Sprint last August I could have saved money buying a refurbished one, but I wanted a new one so I paid for a NEW phone.  Withi...
If your New Hampshire home is currently on the market, you can no longer use the snow as an excuse not to improve your home's curb appeal.  That brutal winter is finally behind us and we are once again seeing our lawns and flower beds. Spring yard work has begun to take over the weekend agenda.Ev...
Yesterday I shared some pictures from a recent Home Staging consult.....Sectional Furniture - Dealing With The Elephant In The Room.  I thought it might be fun to share the background story of the writing of that post. I'm not always diligent enough when it comes to capturing my work in photos.  ...
As a New Hampshire Home Stager I'm faced with a lot of furniture issues.  Whether it's too big, the wrong style, dated or damaged....sometimes the sellers are not in a position to remove their furniture from the home and we need to make the best of it.  The "elephant in the room" that I'm most of...
My Home Staging business began with a knock on the door.  A high school friend was in the area and dropped by unexpectedly.  Donna's client had canceled so she came by hoping I was home.I made tea and we caught up like old friends do.  She told me about her new real estate career and how she had ...

Sharon Tara

Retired New Hampshire Home Stager
smartphone(603) 661-8524
Contact The Author

Author Bio: Sharon Tara is a retired professional Home Stager who served the greater Seacoast New Hampshire area. Sharon specialized in owner-occupied home staging consults to help sellers prepare and present their home for sale.