soi: SOI for Advanced Practitioners - the Favorit-est Tips! - 07/22/12 10:08 PM
As we often do, after last week's "SOI for Advanced Practitioners" show I collected feedback from the audience as to their "Favorit-est Tip(s)" from the show. Below are the results.
If you'd like to read more about what the show was about, you can do that here, but in a nut, we discussed various approaches to inspiring the people you know and the people you meet (your "sphere of influence" or SOI) to think of you as someone they'd trust with their business and referrals. And no, doing that has nothing at all to do with bombarding them with bi-monthly postcards … (13 comments)

soi: Succeeding with Your Sphere of Influence is an Attitude… not a System - 07/15/12 10:12 PM
This Thursday, July 19th, I'm doing a teleseminar show in the SWS Virtual Studio about running a Sphere of Influence (SOI) based business (see below to register). Not that I haven't talked on this subject a time or two (or 100), but for this upcoming show, I wanted to tackle it from a different direction - and from the perspective of someone who has never heard my thoughts on the matter.  
I quickly realized that making an elevator speech out of my approach to SOI is not an easy task. Why? Because it’s not simply a system to follow, or a tool to implement or even … (12 comments)

soi: An Easy Way to Double Your Real Estate Business Every Year - 10/10/11 01:13 AM
So... whatcha' thinking I might be thinking here? More lunch dates? More blogs? More Facebook, Twittering or Linking In? Or, egads, more cold-calling, door-knocking or referral-begging?
Here's a reeeeal easy way to double your business every single year.
EARN one referral from every single client.
If every buyer and seller you serve, every year, were to send just one buyer or seller your way in the twelve months following your time together, you'd double your business, wouldn't you? And of course, if your buyer or seller is that tickled with you that they'll send one person your way, I'm guessing … (23 comments)

soi: So My Contacts Are Loaded... Now What? Part 2 - 08/18/11 02:59 AM
As promised... here is the follow-up to my earlier blog about what to do with your contacts once you've loaded them up in your contact management system to maximize the likelihood that your sphere of influence (the people who know you) will support your real estate business. If you'd like to read the first installment where I covered Steps 1-6, here 't'is:
In a nut, Steps 1-6 had you going through all the names in your database to identify any missing bits of information, then categorizing your contacts as Group One, Group Two or IDK's and then creating sub-groups.
By the … (9 comments)

soi: So, My Contacts Are Loaded... What NOW? - 08/16/11 12:37 AM
Last week we did a show-n-tell webinar in the SWS Virtual Studio about contact management - specifically what to DO with your contacts once they're loaded. Because, as nice as it is to have a place to safely store your precious sphere of influence contact details, having them in storage certainly isn't enough to justify either the effort it took to get them there, or the cost you'll incur to keep them there.
If you'd like to watch the video from the show, you can do that here: It's a long one - nearly 90 minutes, but there's some good … (18 comments)

soi: How to Talk About Your Real Estate Career - without sending your audience running the other direction! - 05/13/11 02:39 AM
Yesterday, one of my readers sent me an article from her local newspaper that was a list of Do's and Don'ts for new college graduates. In the Top Ten list of Don'ts was this gem: "Never 'Friend' a Realtor on Facebook." No explanation; apparently, none needed.
Also yesterday, an article came out in Inman about a "sure-fire" prospecting technique that basically advises agents to accost anyone who comes within three feet of them with "I'm a real estate agent, do you know anyone who needs to buy or sell a home?" If the accosted person does not, in fact, know anyone … (54 comments)

soi: Real Estate Agents ask... "How Do I Meet More People to Add to My Database?" (A Free SWS Teleseminar) - 05/11/11 01:09 AM
Real Estate Agents ask... "How do I meet more people to add to my database?"
Traditional Training answers: "Join clubs! Attend networking events! Volunteer at the homeless shelter! Sponsor booths! Take classes!"
All fine ideas, to be sure. But I'm exhausted just looking at that list, never mind actually doing any of those things on a regular basis.
Personally, I don't WANT to join clubs, I dread networking events, I'm too lazy to sponsor anything and there's nothing I want to take a class on right now! So, am I doomed to live a life of seclusion and isolation, with only … (7 comments)

soi: Using Your Contact Manager to "SOI" - A Free SWS Webinar - 05/09/11 02:11 AM

In early 2011, we did a webinar called "Using Your Contact Management System to SOI" where we discussed and demonstrated various techniques to generate business and referrals from your sphere of influence using a contact management system. That is - how to use the conTACT management features of your system to soulfully reconnect and stay in touch with the people you know... and the people you meet.
Well, turns out it's a much more popular topic than we expected; in fact, more people signed up and showed up than we had room for! So, we thought we'd do it again on Tuesday, … (4 comments)

soi: The “YAY-ME” Letter to Your Sphere of Influence - 03/07/11 01:58 AM
I'm a big fan of communicating with one's sphere of influence (SOI) via the written word - with the caveat that those written words are YOUR written words, not some words written by someone else who doesn't know you!
If your SOI "hears" from you on a reasonably regular basis - and again - that means they hear from YOU (not that mysterious someone else), they'll remember you, and even better, they'll remember you FONDLY. I've written about this concept once or twice or a dozen times - see the list below for related blogs.
Anyway, agents ask me all the … (33 comments)

soi: The More People Who Know You, Like You and TRUST You, the More Real Estate You Will Sell (Part 3) - 03/01/11 12:04 AM
Oops. A few weeks ago I promised to finish up a series I was doing on KLT - The Know, Like and Trust Principle which goes something like: "The more people who know you, like you and trust you, the more real estate you'll sell."
In the first two segments of the series I talked about the KNOW and LIKE factors - you can read those here and here.
But this third factor - the TRUST factor is probably the most important. Because even if a whole bunch of people KNOW you and a whole bunch of people LIKE you, they … (8 comments)

soi: Using Your Contact Management System to be the Best Thing to Happen to Your Clients (A Free SWS Webinar) - 02/16/11 12:01 AM

In January, we did two shows on the subject of contact management; the first was an overview of how Contact Management can improve your business and the second was a show-n-tell webinar on using a contact management system to run a sphere of influence-based business. (if you missed either show, you can purchase a recording of them at the SWS Bookstore or join Club SWS and access recordings of all recent and future shows.)
On February 17th, we'll pick up where we left off and talk about using a contact management system to run your business (and even your life). We'll … (8 comments)

soi: The More People Who Know You... and LIKE YOU... and Trust You, the More Real Estate You Will Sell (Part 2) - 02/14/11 03:35 AM
The KLT Principles: People Buy from Those They Know, Like and Trust, andThe More People Who Know You, Like You and Trust You, the More Real Estate You Will Sell
Last week I wrote about the importance of ensuring that more of the world's people KNOW you if you want to enjoy a consistent stream of real estate business in your pipeline.
Today I'm gonna ramble about the second factor of the KLT Principle - that bit about whether or not those people LIKE you! Because, if a whole bunch of people KNOW you, but most of them don't LIKE you, all … (14 comments)

soi: The More People Who KNOW You, Like You and Trust You, the More Real Estate You Will Sell (Part 1) - 02/10/11 12:47 AM
The More People Who Know You, Like You and Trust You, the More Real Estate You Will Sell
Ever heard this sweet little ditty? Sure you have, or some version of it. Perhaps you've heard the version that goes "People buy from those they know, like and trust;" Bob Burg made this statement in Endless Referrals, and my good friend Dennis Giannetti refers to it as the "KLT" Principle.  
Neato Frito. We're probably all in agreement that the KLT Principle is true.
But let's say it again - out loud:
"The more people who know me and like me and … (22 comments)

soi: Is it Mercenary to "Use" Your Sphere of Influence for Business? - 02/02/11 01:46 AM
Excerpted from my soon-to-be-released third book, Prospect with Soul (woo hoo!!)
Is it Mercenary to "Use" Your Sphere of Influence for Business?I often toss around the phrase "You never know who might lead you to your next $10,000 paycheck."
What I mean by that is that in our business, we get big paychecks we perform. And since most people you're going to meet either own or know someone who owns or wants to own real property, most people you're going to meet can potentially be or introduce you to your next client.
I've always been pretty transparent as to my "mercinariness" … (23 comments)

soi: Using Your Contact Management System to "SOI" - Free SWS Webinar on Thursday - 01/25/11 11:17 PM

On January 6th, in the SWS Virtual Studio, we did a little show on Using Contact Management to Sell with Soul. Judging from the post-show questions, comments and generally positive feedback, the topic is of much higher interest to the real estate community than I gave it credit for!
So...on January 27th (tomorrow), we're going to pick up where we left off and SHOW you (not just tell you) how to use your contact management system to generate business and referrals from your sphere of influence - that is - how to use the conTACT management features of your system … (7 comments)

soi: Contact Management with Soul - Which System Do I Recommend? - 01/24/11 12:55 AM
(Maybe THIS post will get me over that 300,000 points mark!)
So, the burning question! Which system do I recommend...?
Well, I'll tell you what I use and therefore, feel comfortable recommending. It's not the only option, obviously; there are gazillions of (well, maybe a few dozen) real-estate-specific contact managers, and I'm sure some of them are fabulous (and I'm equally certain that some of them aren't).
Let me disclaim that I'm not an expert on contact management from a choose-the-best-one perspective. However, I am a bit of a power user of the two "jobs" I believe a contact manager should do well, … (29 comments)

soi: Contact Management with Soul - Contact Management Pays for Itself! (If you use it, that is...) - 01/20/11 12:12 AM
A few days ago, I posted a blog about how I don't buy the argument that a real estate agent can't afford to purchase a contact management system because that extra $10 or $20 or $35 or $39/month just ain't in the budget. You can read it here.
Today I'll be a little more upbeat and a little less preachy and explain why I made the claim in the above-noted blog that good Contact Management can and should pay for itself, many times over.
There are two general ways a CMS pays for itself, both, not coincidently, based on the two general … (10 comments)

soi: Contact Management with Soul - The Series - "But I Can't Afford A Contact Management System!" - 01/18/11 12:07 AM
First things first... I'm an old married woman as of Saturday! Yay!
Second things next... hoping today's blog puts me over the 300,000 points mark...
And now onto today's message...
After my first contact management teleseminar show on January 6th, I got a bunch of emails from attendees telling me they appreciated my passion for contact management, but simply couldn't afford it right now. Many asked if I knew of a system that was free or very low cost since, they reiterated, they couldn't afford an additional $35/month.
Okay, I totally 100% understand that times are tough. That budgets are tight. … (23 comments)

soi: Contact Management with Soul - The Series - The Two Things a Contact Manager Should Do VERY WELL - 01/09/11 11:52 PM
Last Thursday, I did my first-ever contact management teleseminar show in the SWS Virtual Studio. The goal of the program was to do a general overview of what *I* think a contact manager ought to do for you, and provide some solid ideas of how to use your contact manager to do those things. (if you missed the show, you can purchase a recording of it for $3.99 HERE).
Had great attendance and terrific feedback. And lots and lots of questions, some of which I answered yesterday here. However, many of the questions asked during and after the show have inspired me to do a little … (20 comments)

soi: Using Your Contact Management System to Sell with Soul (A Free SWS Teleseminar) - 01/04/11 11:13 PM

Contact Management! Woo Hoooooo! Now THIS is a topic you've been waiting all year (well, six days anyway) for, huh?!
Actually, I get more requests for recommendations on contact management than almost any other topic. Since I'm a big fan of running a Sphere of Influence (SOI) business, which naturally involves getting and staying in touch with one's Sphere of Influence, it seems obvious that I might be the perfect person to point you toward the perfect system for you.
Well, unfortunately, there is no perfect system and which one you choose will be a decision you'll need to make for yourself - which … (16 comments)

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn, Author of Sell with Soul (Sell with Soul)

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Author of Sell with Soul

Pensacola Beach, FL

More about me…

Sell with Soul

Mobile: (850) 356-2647




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