Selling Soulfully with Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Education & Training - Sell with Soul
My thoughts and ramblings on the real estate industry and how we've gotten into the pickle of being among the nation's most UNtrusted professions!



Her heart is broken. She feels rejected. She wants to hang up her real estate license and crawl under a rock. Why? Because her $700,000 buyer prospect choose another agent. She's beating herself up. She's asking herself, "Did I not dress the part?" "Was my car not nice enough?" She wonders if she...
(To read Part One, Click Here) ... In retrospect, I realize that the ability to work from home changed my life. For the first time, I truly flourished and discovered a creative side to myself I'd never known existed. Being somewhat shy and a bit of a privacy freak, working in an office made me fe...
Should you work from home or from a real estate office? For some, the answer is obvious. The majority of salespeople prefer the busyness and chaos of an office. They need the social interaction and would be unproductive at home. They claim that they can't work from home because they'd be too dist...
Real Estate Is Not a Numbers Game!(at least, it doesn't have to be) You've heard the cold caller's philosophy...for every 100 phone calls you make, you'll get five appointments; for every five appointments you go on, you'll get one listing. Therefore, if you make 500 phone calls, you can count o...
Almost every week, I hear from a friend or friend-of-a-friend who wants to talk about ‘going into real estate'.  Is now a good time?  Is it hard work?  Can I do it part time? How quickly can I make money?  Should I work as an assistant first?  Successfully selling real estate IS hard... some esti...
What's the Difference Between an Extrovert and an Introvert? An Extrovert is someone who gets his or her energy from being around others; an Introvert is someone who is energized by being alone. When an Extrovert is left alone for long periods of time, he becomes lethargic. Conversely, an Introve...
In response to Loreena Yeo's blog, Do You SOI?... Nine Reasons to "SOI" 1. Generating business from your Sphere of Influence is fun. A good SOI business model includes lunch dates, housewarming parties, afternoon BBQs, friendly email exchanges, cocktails and football games. Conversely, mass marke...
If you haven't yet selected a real estate office to bless with your presence, here are some ideas to ponder. Be assured that there is a place for you. If you are marginally presentable looking and have a pulse (most days), a real estate office will "hire" you. In fact, the interview process is mo...
Be on time for your open house. If the home you're holding open is another agent's listing, remember that you are representing the listing agent who is counting on you to make a good impression on his seller. If the seller has to call the listing agent to find out where the heck you are, that's n...
  "The Only Reason Agents Hold Open Houses is to Prospect For Buyers" Yes, this may very well be true. That doesn't always make it right. One of the first prospecting techniques new agents learn is how to "pick up buyers" at open houses. Agents are urged to be on high alert for open house visito...

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Author of Sell with Soul
smartphone(850) 356-2647
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