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    FOMC Minutes Reveal Fed May Curb Economic Support Program Before Year End The minutes for June’s meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) suggest that committee members are mostly in agreement that the current quantitative easing program (QE) should begin winding down by year end,...
  The Best And Worst Times Of The Year To Sell Your Home Does the time of year when you put your home on the market affect how well it will sell?  What about the final sales price? According to many studies in housing trends, the answer is yes. The time of year when you sell your home can have an...
What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 8, 2013 Last week saw a relatively quiet week due to the 4th of July holiday, but there were some housing-related developments: Monday: The Department of Commerce reported that overall construction spending increased by 0.50 percent in May to a se...
Go Green By Faking It With Artificial Grass The summer heat is starting to take its toll on you and your thirsty lawn. Homeowners spend hundreds of dollars every summer striving to grow healthy grass and keep it green. If you’re sick of trying to maintain a manicured lawn, then you can go green ...
7 Smart Tips To Painting Your Own Home This Summer Winter may have taken a toll on your home’s exterior this year. You’ve been noticing the cracking paint for months, but you don’t want to shell out the big bucks to hire a professional painter. Don’t fret! With the weather warming and the nice s...
  Liberate Yourself From Your Mortgage With This Simple Plan   What if you could accelerate the mortgage payment on your home so that you own your property several years earlier than your 15 or 30 year term? Making your final mortgage payment and owning your house is an incredibly good feeling a...
  The Federal Open Market Committee Holds Steady With Mortgage Backed Security Investments The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve decided to continue its current policy of quantitative easing (QE) based on current economic conditions. The Fed currently purchases $40 bill...
  3 Clever But Simple Ways To Get Your Home Mortgage Paid Faster Paying off the mortgage on your home faster means that you will not only have the satisfaction of owning your own home sooner, you will also have the benefit of paying much less in interest over the years. The faster you pay off yo...
  Home Prices Record Highest Monthly Gains Since Case Shiller Index Inception The S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices for April indicate that the housing recovery gained ground. In April 2013 average home prices tracked in the Case-Shiller 10 and 20-city Composites increased by 11.60 and 12.10 p...
  5 Important Tips To Help Smooth Your Move When You Have Teens In The Home   You’ve got a new job offer across the country and you are planning to pack your things, buy a home and make the big move. However, when you tell your 17 year old daughter your plans, she lets out a mournful wail and cr...

Sean Young

Colorado loan officer
Contact The Author
I literally fell into this business, 42 feet to be exact. Straight down an elevator shaft 17 years ago. Ever since I have been a Colorado loan officer - My goal is to always make the loan transaction as stress free as possible and to always close on time. For some reason lenders forget that contract dates actually mean something. Go figure...right? Weird, I know! - I Currently sponsor weekly training webinars that feature ways to help your business by presenting cutting edge, innovative technology, strategies and transforming ideas to meet current market conditions. - I believe that success breeds success and that we are at our best when we are helping others to succeed. Basically a Zig Ziglar fan. :)