This is a great time of year for Real Estate Agents to closely examine where the money went and to trim or plan for 2018.As we know, it's all about the "net" income. What are your tips?.. please share! Here are 5 MONEY SAVING TIPS Real Estate Agents: Use Free or One-Time Fee Online Tools. Use the...
With the holiday season around the corner, many individuals in nursing homes are forgotten, so what can we do to spread joy at this time of year? There is always an opportunity if we look for it. I stopped at a nearby retirement home and approached the activities director about whether they h...
The IRS has rules that to relate to Real Estate Agents about what types of business driving is eligible for a mileage deduction.(click here for IRS details)A few TIPS for tracking mileage: Daily commutes from your home to your permanent work location do not qualify for a business mileage deductio...
As in every aspect of your real estate business, things go better when you can work out a "process" that is effective, then turn your brain off and "rinse and repeat"! Keeping in mind that the main thing is to "have a bookkeeping process" that works for you... here is one bookkeeping process, ...
Whether you are a new real estate agent or been on the job for years one of the chores you have to deal with is bookkeeping. This is especially on the mind of new agents as they are looking to establish their processes and systems. What is your bookkeeping strategy?.... A variety of approaches ca...
Gift or Entertainment tax deduction expense? … as we enter into gift giving and entertainment season.. a common question arises among Real Estate Agents with sometimes much confusion: Here are a few TIPS: click here for IRS articleHere is our Agent Tax Deduction Checklist: click here to downloa...
.. there's nothing like taking in the tropical air with Uncle Sam picking up part of the tab. If arranged correctly, you'll reap a much-appreciated tax write off!You can deduct up to $2,000 per year of your expenses of attending conventions, seminars, or similar meetings held on cruise ships. C...
What tools have you used to make a budget.. or do you make a budget? Thoughts? Here is a free budgeting spreadsheet to try... download at: Our Products and Services:** bookkeeping software for real estate agents:** virtual bookkeeping services for real...
I know lot of real estate agents who constantly struggle to get their bookkeeping done. Has anyone tried using a virtual bookkeeper? Thoughts about hiring this part of the business out? Thoughts on using a virtual bookkeeping service such as this one? Our Products and Services:** bookkeeping s...
Before becoming a Realtor, I spend a number of years teaching bookkeeping and computerized accounting courses at the College level. It's clear that every real estate agent is required to keep a set of financial records. However, most find this a challenge. Here are a few tips that can get you on...