My life is not real estate. I am a Realtor and I enjoy my job, but I am so much more. Life has been a roller coaster these last few days. We had a celebration, a Momma Bear moment and now I have two dogs that have gone AWOL. I love my life and I'm reminding myself that in order for me to kno...
For over 100 years, Coldwell Banker has been servicing real estate needs. Our Coldwell Banker Advantage Real Estate office is much newer than that, but we hold the same values and commitment that have kept Coldwell Banker a solid, trustworthy company.I work as a full time REALTOR in partnership ...
I first found Stephen King novels when I was in high school. He was the first author that taught me brand loyalty. I knew that if I wanted another great book, I could find something else he wrote and I would not be disappointed. I've found many other great authors over the years, but Stephen K...
Flat James has had a great time in West Virginia, but he's got places to go and people to see! He's on his way to Jeff Belonger in New Jersey. *Sniff!* I'm really going to miss him!It was nice to have an assistant, and he was a great (if somewhat goofy) conversation starter. I can't wait to s...
This post is about a building that has a lot of personal meaning for me. Instead of telling you a bunch of hard facts about the Putnam County Courthouse, I'm going to tell you what it is to me.I've always loved this building. As a little girl, it looked like a castle to me. It still does. I d...
He's arrived!!!Flat James is here, in West Virginia, and LOVIN' IT!!His first stop here was to meet some of the people at work. Our secretary Karen just LOVED him. She's usually shy about pictures, but James got her to smile and pose. Karen had lots of ideas for pictures for us and wanted to s...
Today is "Take Your Kid to Work Day" and as you can see, my Mom is making me blog against my will. -_- So I think I'm going to blog about my reluctance to blog.Mom says a lot of you people are afraid to blog too. I always used to think Mom blogged just for fun until she showed me it makes it e...
"Rearranging Chairs on the Titanic."Chris Elizabeth Griffith left that phrase in a comment to me and it really struck a chord with me. I'd never heard it before, so it made me laugh out loud, but I also nearly imitated a V-8 commercial forehead slap -- I've been doing this!!How many of us spend...
Rules for Managing an Exceptional Staff Frances Fogerson is the Director of Human Resources at Knox County (TN) Government where a highly talented staff makes her look good. Here are her rules for managing exceptional, highly talented people: Make “fairness” your Number One value. It’s incredibly...