Yesterday, we headed out for a trip to the Tampa Amphitheater at Tampa Fairgrounds to see the Tesla, Styx and Def Leppard Concert. Tampa is just over 2 hours away, on the west coast of Florida. We arrived at the concert in the middle of a terrible lightning storm, that hung over the fairgrounds
Come On, Jump in for a Swim The weather here has been a sweltering 90 degrees, with high humidity. I can feel the sweat rolling down my back when I’m outside in the middle of the day. It’s hard to find a place to cool off. It seems like the air conditioner never clicks off, trying to keep the
Melbourne FL Real Estate Market Watch ReportThere are currently 476 homes (single family, half duplex, condo & townhouses) available for sale in Melbourne Florida compared to 514 in August 2014.Here's the breakdown,Under $100,000 - 79, compared to 123 in August 2014 $101,000 -
I was headed out to an appointment and found this guy in the garage 2 feet from my van. At first nearly jumped out of my skin. It surprised me. I think I scared the snake, too. Then, I grabbed a broom and gently guided him outside. He slithered into the bushes and disappeared.Occasionally, we s
Kingsmill, located just off of Lake Washington Road is a quiet, well maintained community of over 300 houses built between 1986 and 1988. It is situated between Parkway Drive and Aurora Road, just west of Wickham Road in Melbourne Florida.Kingsmill is just minutes to shopping, dining, churches an
This morning I met with a buyer to show her a charming home situated in a neighborhood within a block of the railroad tracks. The house was impeccably maintained. After touring the inside and the outside of the home we went to look at the rest of the neighborhood. We wanted to see how close the
There are oodles of condo complexes here. When considering a condo or townhouse purchase, there are questions to ask, before making that purchase.What is the ratio of investor owned units to owner occupied units?What is the delinquency rate? How many units are in foreclosure? Does the homeowner
Real Estate Reality TV… It's not RealI don’t watch much TV. I suppose it’s because I can’t find anything to watch. Today, television is riddled with Reality TV shows. I don’t like Reality TV. There, I said it.I don’t care for the Real Estate Reality TV shows. They're on for their entertainment
It seems that the simplest things are the best things in life. Watching the sun setting in the western sky is one of the simple things.What is it about a sunset? Every one of them is different than the one the day before. A sunset is the perfect close of another day. I love watching the sun setti
I’m not a morning person. I wish I was. I would love to rise and shine at 5:00 AM and get my day going early. I am not one of those people that can bounce right out of bed when the alarm goes off. I have to hit the snooze button 3 times before I can get my eyes open. This morning I woke up to a