When you spend so much time on the internet marketing yourself as a Colorado Realtor it is easy to get distracted from some of the best old school platforms. So, when a neighbor called and said she was having a horse tea on Sunday I jumped at the opportunity. I spent a pleasant couple of hours wi
I have buyers who are looking at banked owned homes. Saturday I showed them a home that was a complete disaster. I won't go into the horrific details but we all needed a shower and a launder of our clothes after the experience. It is sad when a home is so severely neglected and abused that it i
Many well know world famous ice sculptors will converge on Cripple Creek from Feb. 7th-8th 10a.m. to 6 p.m. and Feb. 14th-16th for the 2nd Annual Cripple Creek Ice Festival. Ice sculptors use chainsaws and other tools to create masterpieces of outdoor art. A giant castle has been promised for
I can't believe I didn't even blog once on Active Rain during the month of Dec. It shows you easy time can slip away during the holiday season. But, now that the New Year has arrived and is rapidly speeding along I can rest knowing my budget and business plan is set for 2009. I have made a batch