On a day to day basis I hear the word opinon all the time and in my profession, there is alot of it. With chimneys and fireplaces, the facts always speak for themselves, that is, when someone is diligent enough to collect all the facts. Its a truly growing issue not only here in NJ but nationw
Sussex county is filled with chimney issues that are very distinct to the region of our state. Many people heat with wood, pellet and biomass and central heating is more than likely oil fuel in most homes. Host a chimney educational session for your office with informative handouts, important ch
I thought I would share this corn salad that has become a hit around my house and friend circle. Works best if you have a smoker/gril. I use the Big Green Egg 5 large ears of corn 1/2 red bell pepper 1/8 cup diced red onion 1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles 1/4 cup of lime juice (fresh) 1/8 cup oli
How many times have your clients or closings been held up by chimney related issues? The serious issues in New Jersey surrounding the lack of any requirement for one to perform chimney sweeping, repair and inspection are visable specifically during real estate transactions. Buyer gets one estim
I will once again be presenting some valuable chimney information at the NJ NACHI meeting on May 27. I will be doing so with my good friend and colleague, Paul Karthaeuser from The Chimney Guys. This will be an hour and a half plus of chimney information, visuals aids, pointers and suggestions.
A "competitor" and I use the term lightly for many reasons, has referred to me in a 1 page letter response to my 14 page chimney inspection report as a "new book inspector". So I guess my knowledge of the code, standard and law makes me new book? Sorry to be blogging off some steam, but its
The firebox is the area where combustion takes place. It is the area that you see and is the only truly readily accessible portion of a chimneys interior. Also known as the inner hearth of fire chamber, the firebox is vital to the success of the operation of the fireplace. Poor design may lead
These are two trademarked logos that need to be recognized. This is how you know you are getting a trained chimney inspector and not just a chimney sweep! www.gotfire.com and www.iafcipro.com
We have successfully completed 4 in office seminars in the last month for NNJ realty offices. Be able to grasp an understanding of chimneys and what you are seeing in the homes you list and show. Education time can be suited for your schedule and handouts, Q & A sessions and visual aids are in
It is amazing how frequent I see these installs in the field. This application is only adding to water entry into the chimney systems. The middle cap washes into the 2 other flues in thi system. Inaddition, the caps have been altered to fit. The proper installation of a chimney cap here would