Ron's Rustic Birdhouses and Potting Benches, too!

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Marshall Enterprises
I write about the St. Michael, Hanover, and Albertville areas, about what I do in the communities, my birdhouse creations and how I help realtors sell property.
    Looking for Ways to Stay Active?  Check Out the Crow River Senior Center!   You can get started with some simple exercises and stretches that you can do on your own.  You won’t need a class or instructor after attend this one-time class.  All you need to do is sit in a chair!    The class wil...
Ron’s Rustic Birdhouses Gardening Blog: Let’s Be Kind to the Birds – Stop Window Strikes!     Next to cats and other birds, the biggest killer of birds is window strikes.      There are a variety of reasons for these strikes, and next week I will post about a program called Lights Out! Don’t mis...
ActiveRain, I Have A Brilliant Idea!  Why Don't You Make ActiveRainers Completely Nuts?   Oh, never mind!  You just did!  And, you bragged about all the time it took to completely screw up this site.   I will never be able to comment back on folks, and I have always prided myself on returning co...
We Just Lost Another of the Great Generation!  A Tribute to Those Who Have Gone Before Us!   When I turned 65 recently, it was a huge wake-up moment.  I might not have as much time to do what I still want to do.   You might have had these moments at the end of  a week, the end of  a month, or th...
    Make It Happen…or Don’t.  International Women’s Day is the Day to Celebrate!   Today is International Women’s Day. Each year International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. The first International Women's Day was held in 1911. Thousands of events occur to mark the economic, politica...
I belong to a bunch of groups on ActiveRain, but I probably only post to about ten of them on a regular basis.    What groups do you belong to on ActiveRain?  And, what are the pluses to those groups?    Who are your favorite bloggers, too, while I am asking?  I know that there are folks that we...
When Your Clients Move, Suggest an OPEN ME FIRST Box Everyone HATES moving.  They like getting there and being there.  They rarely like the in between.  However, it can be less stressful if they take a few moments to think about what they will need between leaving here and living there!  If you ...
    Gentle Yoga Classes at the Crow River Senior Center   Gentle yoga is a no experience necessary class that will be conducted at the Albertville City Hall on Tuesday mornings at 9 am.    There is a fee of $5.00 per session, and you need to dress comfortably and bring water.    The instructor, S...
Well, I Did IT – I Made My Self-Imposed Goal of 1,000 Points a Day in February!   I decided to try to get 1,000 points a day in February, and I made it!  I actually have averaged about 1,200 give or take a few.    As of tonight at 6:17 pm, I still have some comments to return which might bring m...
How Many Followers Do You Have?  How Many Do You Follow?   I don’t understand the idea behind the current regime’s docking points for getting rid of followers.   There is one guy who was HUGE in the Rain at one time and then was banished.  I would like to get rid of him.  But, when I try, I get ...

Ron Marshall

Birdhouse Builder Extraordinaire
local_phone(763) 497-1870
Contact The Author
I write about the St. Michael, Hanover, and Albertville areas, about what I do in the communities, my birdhouse creations and how I help realtors sell property.