November 11, 2014 is Veteran’s Day….. I am sure you noticed that every establishment that can, will capitalize on this important holiday for our nation. But, please keep in mind that there are thousands of homeless veterans who served our country well, and possibly came back from war with a
Serendipity Sunday - The Death of Antique Shops Our Antique Shop – The Albertville Creamery will soon go the way of so many shops in the antiques business. I will post about this with photos soon. But, what I have to say today is that eBay really killed the business. The way AllState and T
Have some scary fun at the theater!!! The Buffalo Community Theater is presenting a classic Agatha Christie play…And Then There Were None….beginning on Friday, October 31st and continuing through November 9th. Here is the schedule for the stage production to be held at the Discovery Center
Ron’s Rustic Birdhouses Presents the Holiday House ------ SOLD! Everyone tells about their successes with their real estate being sold, and I thought that I could do the same with this bird HOUSE. I really thought that this one was neat enough to sell earlier, but what do
Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year because there is generally a defined time of the year. Our neighborhood is blessed with so many huge mature trees both deciduous and non-deciduous, and the neighbor across the street has one of the most colorful and fullest oak trees on our whole
Today, Chief Cook and I mark our 26th anniversary of being a couple of nuts together. Hopefully, we are the fun nuts and not the dull nuts who end up at the sad party on TV! We will celebrate quietly while remembering that this is the 25th anniversary of Jacob Wetterling’s abduction.
Ron’s Rustic Birdhouses Presents the Coke Birdhouse 2014! This little beauty was a long time in the making. I had had the Coke crate for almost two years. But, the “doo-dads” took a while to accumulate. This one has a bottle opener on one end, and a clock on the crates in front.
HELP ME....I have the VIRUS!No, it's not the Ebola virus, although my computer acts as if it is.This is worse. We have been trying to log on for days...the computer startsand then comes up with a black screen. We had to haul a new (old) monitorthat we never thought we would ever use again out o
One Little Mouse…..Can Turn a Home Upside Down! We had a mouse in the house yesterday. Chief Cook and the kitties went beserk. Luckily I had some TomKat out in the garage. A couple of bricks…one behind the fridge, one under the pine cupboard (too small an opening for the kitties
Hello, Everyone! I have been busy making this birdhouse for Halloween lovers. I found the trees in various places, but it was the trick or treating dogs and the candelabra which were the inspiration for this one.