Happy New Year, ActiveRainers! Wishing You All the Best in 2015! Well, we made it through another year! Did you make resolutions? I sure did! I won’t list them ALL here, but this one has to do with ActiveRain. I am going to try to make 20 comments (at least) every day in January! I wil
We usually do a food drive in January, but this year because the weather was relatively mild, and people were asking about it, we decided to go ahead and get the donations in early. Our neighborhood and one neighborhood over often contribute in a great way to the local food shelf, but this is
We have been so fortunate this year in spite of setbacks….and I know that you feel the same way… We all inch closer to our goals, find a stumbling block and then go on. Each of us has a load to bear and each of us finds a way to move either through it, around it or over it! This is our C
Boots, the Family Cat – Saved from Death’s Door! Thank Goodness! Our pets, like many of yours, are like family to us. And, Boots got terribly sick yesterday. Chief Cook stayed up with him all night as did his brother, Sandy, to try to alleviate his pain and discomfort about which he t
It’s Not Hard to Like Someone….And, You Might Like to Like! I was looking back over some old posts and noticed that I had been remiss in checking the LIKE box on so many commenters. Why is that important? It is just a few points for each person, but when you have commenters that continue t
Serendipity Sunday – The Generosity of ActiveRainers!! Thank You All!! I was very pleasantly surprised this morning to log in briefly and find comments of three or more from Bob Crane, Kevin Tolbert, Michael Jacobs and Bruce and Sharon Walter! They are certainly giving me a great boost.
You need to get outdoors! The weather has been terrific, although we never seem to see the sun anymore!! Check out the opportunities for skating and hockey games in the Albertville Minnesota area! Getting skates for Christmas? Here’s where to try them out! OUTDOOR SKATING RINK/SMALL HOC
Sometimes when you least expect some excitement, you find it! Yesterday, while delivering this custom table to a client in Edina, we decided to grab some great food at the Convention Grill in Edina. The Convention Grill was established in 1934 and sells burgers and fries and malts, primaril
Yes, I am biased....I hate all those holiday commercials on the radio. This site is great and has very few commercials. You will have to start it and listen to a commercial at the beginning, but other than that, I don't even notice the commercials. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/radio/servi
I read Patricia Feager, MBA, GRI, Cert Negotiations Expert, Military Relo Prof who had a reblog of Clint McKie. We also lost another great Clint a few years ago, and I know that I still miss him, too. Here is a sample, and be sure to click the link with the song. I hope that Clint is at peace