There are many Raleigh homeowners looking to desperately prevent foreclosure of their Raleigh home. There aren’t many options that people can take to prevent foreclosures in Raleigh, but doing a Raleigh short sale may save a home from being foreclosed. The first thing homeowners should do to prev...
Here are 10 frequently asked short sale questions that are very helpful especially if you are just getting started or considering short sales in Raleigh as a means to acquiring pre-foreclosures. 1. What happens to the seller's credit rating when they allow an investor to short sell their property...
Ok, so you've received the Raleigh short sales requirements from the lender and you've made friends with the loss mitigation's rep that's assigned to your potential deal. Next, you are now ready for the lender to order a BPO on the property. Notice that I emphasize "you", this is because I don't ...
Given increased defaults and declining property values in certain locations, the mortgage industry is experiencing an increase in short payoffs, sometimes called short sales. In fact, over the last two years, short payoff volume at Freddie Mac has grown more than 1,000 percent (2007-2009). This u...
Anyone who has ever profited from doing short sales in Raleigh has also without a doubt had one or two rejected at some point. Guess what? It is just the nature of the beast…As with all types of sales you’re playing a numbers game. There are very Raleigh Realtors who truly know how to successfull...
Many of the Raleigh homes that you come across will have two mortgages with two separate banks. If you are just getting started, I strongly recommend that you target properties with single mortgages. Negotiating one mortgage is always easier because a second mortgage means that you are now respon...
I know what you are thinking... "The title of this blog does not make sense. How can you leave a place before you ever even arrive?" Please allow me to take the next few moments to discuss how exiting before entering is not only possible but should be considered as the single most important aspec...
Although some of your initial offers will be accepted, you must also be prepared if the lender rejects your offer. Just because your first offer is denied does not mean that the deal is dead. This is now the perfect opportunity to learn precisely what you have to do in order to close Raleigh shor...
PMI is known as the acronym for private mortgage insurance. Private Mortgage Insurance is used when a borrower has less than 20% for a down payment. Private mortgage insurance protects mortgage lenders against potential losses in the event of borrower default. The insurance company, collects a ...
Beware of anyone who asks you to pay a fee in exchange for a counseling service or modification of a delinquent loan. Scam artists often target homeowners who are struggling to meet their mortgage commitment or anxious to sell their Raleigh homes. Recognize and avoid common scams. Assistanc...