Ed Tse's (rocktexas) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - richvalley
  The asking price is reasonable low.   You may buy this property cheaper than 15 years ago.   You may have to pay about $100-120K at this present time.  That's right, the price will be lower than 15 years ago, even it was foreclosed for $361K this Spring.   For an income property to hold, its re...
  2008/12/01 10:24   TheIronChef In your old post you have said:政治上健康的生態環境, 對憲法的功能運作及繁衍成長而言, 比起常常移動, 修剪, 更為重要. 事實也證明, 修憲頻率越高的國家, 對憲法越不尊重, 也越欠缺依憲法治國的精神.Taking your words to the context of a single state in America, and given that political environment is unlikely to change in the short run, is it ...
C.A.R. REPORTS SALES UP 117.1 PERCENT; MEDIAN PRICE FELL 39.9 PERCENT Home sales increased 117.1 percent in October in California compared with the same period a year ago, while the median price of an existing home fell 39.9 percent, C.A.R. reported yesterday. "Statewide sales increased significa...
Foreclosures, delinquencies skyrocketing among 'prime' borrowers By E. Scott Reckard November 24, 2008 Nationwide, 3.07% of prime mortgages were in foreclosure or at least 60 days late in the second quarter of this year, easily topping the previous record of 1.97% set in 1985.  Home prices keep p...
   Regulators shut down three banks SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- In the biggest number of bank seizures yet on a single day, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and state regulators have shut down two banks in Southern California and one in Georgia.The FDIC said late Friday that U.S. Bank based...
    Financials: Survival first Barack Obama's most important task will be to save the financial-services industry. After that: More regulation and lower profits.     Wrong! Obama's most important job is to restore the "trust" and "confidence" of consumers.  It is not a right approach to cure or s...
Looking at those GWB boys crying to bankers begging for a loose-up lending, it reminds me of some strange things happen recently at my Yahoo or Google (I am not sure it happen to you). As Paulson said, credit was supposed to have been very tight to a breakdown.  That's why we American taxpayer ha...
Who says no buyer and no sales recently? Look at this in MOVOTO: "This home is no longer active on the Multiple Listing Service." How many days it took for the listing off "active"?  Less than ONE day in theory! I have been providing my friends or clients info to find a good buy.   I found out th...
Republicans vow to rebuild after big defeats     After the election was over, I have observed the historical moment; and read and listen as much as possible to find the forces in it. The thread is very helpful to express "hope" and "angry." Sorry to say, most of them are emotional. They forgot or...
   World hopes for a 'less arrogant America'   Catwing 13 hours ago Naaa to change, I had enough tonight. Like above "the electoral vote goes to the winner of the popular vote anyways, so, in essence, we are already getting a popular vote president ..." No real need. *** ET's Comment *** To Catwi...

Ed Tse

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