Prudential California Realty ed, we hope you are having a great day.Just a quick follow up to your free online registration at ... To reach a real estate professional in your area click here. Highlights of the Recovery Act: Homebuyer Tax Credit – The bill provides for...
Stanislaus leads state in home affordability The new calculations show that Stanislaus's median-income families now can afford to buy 71.1 percent of homes on the market. Three years ago, just before the housing bubble burst, only 3 percent of Stanislaus homes were affordable to median-income f...
02/20/2009 New foreclosure defense: Prove I owe you Homeowners demand lenders produce original documents - some can't. The Associated Press updated 2:59 p.m. CT, Tues., Feb. 17, 2009 ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. - Kathy Lovelace lost her job and was about to lose her house, too. But then she made a seemi...
The More U Buy, The More U Save; The Deeper U fail, The More Benefit U Get. Tonight, I am sad enough to know a situation. I know that is my fault. Every time I brought something out in AR, I will encounter a new "something." This morning I am talking about the subject of average main stree...
How stimulus can help your wallet Congress appears close to finalizing the economic recovery plan. Here's a look at some of the likely provisions for individuals: Make Work Pay Credit One-time payments to those who don't work Break for higher income families Temporary deduction for car buyers T...
The Main Dishes: Senators' Bullshit! I agree -- top down has not worked and will not work for this. It needs to be a bottom up. However, its the people at the top making the decision and right now those people are scared and have a "lets take care of ME first and then YOU" mentality. 02/08/200...
3% Financing - No Credit Checks - No Bank Qualifying Our new 3% funding program for buying real estate is now available. This is great forinvestors, agents, home builders and loanofficers looking to close more deals. We willalso pay you $400 for referrals. The funds are available in all 50 state...
I wish I could be wrong. CNN said, there are 3 main dishes coming out of the Senate. Look at them, I feel so funny to smell something like bullshits. Nobody is a fool when we look at the recent 3 days stock performance after the last Wednesday. On Wednesday 1-29, we saw Dow surged 200 poin...
Buyers, Please Wait 8 Months for a Good News to California Homebuyers get a bonus in the stimulus bill (my comment: Does Obama make you feel great! Really? That Great! If you're Okay, I am Okay. ) Sanders Votes No on Geithner: He's More of a Part of the Problem...Than the Solution" "(my comment...
Everyone is talking about buyer's or payer's credit score. Does it make sense after all these years practice? Don't you think that is a man-made standard? Why we have to be confined or tied up by an artifical set of man's criteria? Maybe it is the tyranny of status quo so called by M. Fredman. A...