"Sold AS IS" addendum is not an excuse to do whatever My friend S further asked me the following interesting question in her email (Re: Fw: Merry Christmas! Thu, January 7, 2010 11:48:16 AM): What happened? **** Here is my reply **** Thank you for asking me what happened? It is very possi...
A friend send me an email asking: We're supposed to close on the house that we're selling in February, so unfortunately, we're having to wait until we get paid before we can get another one. How is your buying going? From: Sh To: E T Sent: Fri, December 25, 2009 12:17:45 PMSubject: Re: Merry ...
10 gain in home prices By Les Christie, staff writerJanuary 1, 2010: 6:12 PM ET NEW YORK ( -- Taking into account inflation, home prices are actually lower than they were 10 years ago.... The median home price in November 1999 was $137,600, NAR said, and by November 2...
Yesterday, I was offered an opportunity to buy a piece of Californian property for $53,500 (Also. I was offered to buy a property for $30,000. It is so incredible that the subject property was foreclosed for $120,000 in 2003 and well kept in the bank's vault as non-performing asset through those ...
I went back to California from Texas. It has been one month for me to personally submerge into the current Los Angeles real estate market. A refreshment?! I swear to myself that I would not say anything before I have some ways to get along with the market. For now, all I want is just sit ...
Posting Guidelines - Regional News and Information **** **** Hardly for me to check my earned points. I am just farting my thoughts in AR. Who cares about points? But, today Jay invited me to join his political group so that I went to check other fields in "my home." It surprised me that m...
Q&A: Can we be married, but independent? *** I am not sure what modern "being married" is in terms of conventional concept of traditional marriage, since I am an old style family-oriented man. Don't mention about what "independent" means in terms of legal context. Well, we have evolved so many l...
Normal risk turn in normal reward, Normal people end up with normal life. FICO Score Is "Fu*k" Score Re: Fw: Land contract to ***** Tuesday, April 14, 2009 12:21 PM From:"E T ...
Social media sites don't sell real estate by Teresa Boardman **** Read Teresa's article yesterday. Humm, what goes wrong with her? She spent so much energy and money to work on real estate selling and almost got nothing in return. That fits into what I called "the least protected professional"...
Auctioneer reserves the right to withdraw any item before or during the auction and also reserves the right to bid on behalf of the seller. Only registered bidders may bid on the property being sold, any exceptions to this requirement shall be within the sole discretion of REALestate*****.COM and...