I need your Help! This is my Buddies website and he wants some feedback! Please be honest. I have shared some of my ideas with him and he wants to hear from you. thanks in advance for your time. Welcome to Where your home shows This site was devolped esp...
I spoke with a few agents about short sales today and they explained the process, a little.(thank you) It sounds very interesting to me but then again I'm new and everything sounds interesting. I want to hear from all of those who do them or have done them and will not do another one! Ray Saenz, ...
It seems like these days that every house for sale has a dot com address on the real estate sign. My question is does this help sell the house or does it just make the seller feel better? I recently sent out some flyers with some special offers and I included this option. I don't know if I will g...
What do you Guys think? You can make your own slide show to impress your clients. Tell me if you like it? Thanks in advance for your time Ray Delao Try this link if you can not see the slide show THIS was created at You can use any time of pictures with this. I gave 2 samples of wha...
I thought I would share this with you. Very interesting article about how people got approved for homes they could not afford!here is the link but I copied the page for all to see. This is from the AP,Ray DelaoNeighborhood Swaye...
In my area, I'm told not to bother with an OPEN HOUSE, but I see a lot of OPEN HOUSE signs all over the roads. Is it better to do an OPEN HOUSE on a Saturday or Sunday if I do one? I hear Only Nosey Neighbors stop by. thanks in advance for your time? Ray Delao
It seems everytime I mention that I'm a new agent to people I meet, everyone has an opion about Real Estate. People say they heard "it's a bad time to sell right now, too many house and not enough buyers"," what make you think you can compete with those who are out there now?" "I think this world...
I always hear about people buying homes on Ebay and thought, how can that be? Don't you want to do a walk through or get a feel for the area? Please Let me know what your thoughts are on this waying of selling and buying homes on Ebay. Happy Mothers Day! thanks in advance,Ray DeLao
I wanted to ask my fellow Active Rain members where I could get some good Post Cards and Real Estate extras for a reasonable price? I googled Real Estate Post Cards and magnets and a whole bunch came up. Please let me know who you use and recommend. there is soooo many to choose from. thanksRay
This is the message that was sent to all the agents in our office. No need to post comments. If you have seen her ,please contact the police. Any lead could help. To everyone I know: Please click on the link below and send this to everyone you know. This is my good friend's sister and she is mis...