Loan Considerations for Buy and Hold InvestorsAs far as investment loans, little or no money down loans are impossible. However, lenders do permit the use of Home Equity Lines of Credit or second mortgages from other properties owned by the borrower as a source of down payment. Or, self-employe
Loan Considerations for Fix & Flip / Short-Term InvestorsSecuring conventional financing on a fix & flip or short-term loan is not recommended. Most conventional lenders sell off their mortgages to investors on the secondary market. If the loan is paid off early (before six payments are made),
Loan Considerations for Jumbo MortgagesFor the Greater Metro Denver area, any loan amount greater than $417,000 is considered a jumbo loan. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac assign different thresholds for various regions across the country. For instance, $417,000 is not considered a jumbo loan in a h
Loan Considerations for Loan Amounts Between $200K - $417KWith all the doom and gloom publications that are mostly exaggerated, many potential borrowers believe that home mortgage lending options have dried up. While underwriters and investors are scrutinizing files more closely, attractive rate
FHA First-Time Buyer Tax CreditIn an effort to boost the sagging real estate market and overall economy, first-time home buyers are being offered a limited time tax credit when purchasing a primary residence. The highlights of the tax credit are:• The tax credit is available for first-time ho
Loan considerations for a first time buyerLending guidelines are changing on a daily basis for every type of loan: conventional, FHA, VA & commercial. Nevertheless, there are still very attractive first-time home buyer options available. If you are or will be a first-time buyer, it is critical
How can you improve your FICO score?To improve one’s credit score, it’s critical to understand the factors influencing a credit score. The factors that contribute to a FICO score and the weighted percentages for each are as follows:• 35% — timeliness of payments • 30% — the ratio of used d
How does your FICO score impact your interest rate on your loan?Low credit scores are deemed greater risk for lenders since the likelihood for defaulting on the loan increases. As such, lower FICO scores translate into higher interest rates. Mortgage lenders will group credit scores in a range,
What is a FICO score?FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, a company that created the most used credit scoring model in the United States. An individual’s credit score is calculated through a statistical algorithm and is used as a factor in determining the likelihood of a borrower defaulting o
There are some signs of strengthening in our Denver market. The metro area's inventory of available resale housing decreased 20% to 23,120 units in October from October 2007. Some of this reduced inventory is attributed to homeowners taking their properties off the market in frustration because