Where Are We Now? In the first quarter of 2010, the Charlottesville real estate market continued the trend seen in the fourth quarter of last year. Home sales, compared to the first quarter of 2009, increased slightly. In the first quarter of 2010, sales (436) were up 4.3% from the same period in
Goldman Sachs has been charged with defrauding investors in the sales of securities tied to subprime mortgages. As if we dont' already have enough problems in the Real Estate Industry... Here is a link to an article on CNN.com about the charges.
The IRS says there is no free lunch. If you transfer title on your home, whether voluntarily through a warranty deed or grant deed, or involuntarily through foreclosure, you have sold your home. You might be subject to taxes, even if you sold your home at a loss, either on a short sale or by fore
New federal rules took effect Monday to speed up short sales -- the time-consuming, often-frustrating process of selling a home when the owner owes more than the house is worth. The Obama administration program offers financial incentives for homeowners to agree to a short sale. Owners will still
For all the homeowners who are upside down and can no longer make their mortgage payment (because of either a job loss, divorce, or an option ARM that's resetting higher), up to now the only option was, well, letting the bank foreclose. That's not a good option since a foreclosure sticks on your
In any given month, I probably review at least a 100 offers on my Sacramento short sale listings. I help my sellers decide which offer to select. So when I represent a short sale buyer, I know from experience on the listing side how that listing agent and seller will interpret the offer. This is
Short sale sellers who don't price their homes appropriately are unlikely to receive viable offers. That's because pricing needs to appeal to more than the buyer to ensure a short sale transaction will close. Pricing a short sale correctly involves choreographing a delicate dance between bringing
The short sale process is still a mystery to many people, even after all these years. Lots of buyer's agents are confused; puzzled buyers are looking for direction, and not every short sale listing agent knows how to do a short sale. The Basics of a Short Sale Banks grant short sales for 2 reas
6 Things to Know Before You Buy That Short Sale House The Wrong Short Sale House Might Not Ever Close. When you spot a short sale house that interests you, take your hand off the mouse and step away from the computer. Before you get all excited over the prospect of buying that short sale house, p
Unless the bank has agreed upfront to accept a short sale, which is rare, no one knows for certain -- not the buyer's agent, not the listing agent nor the seller -- if a short sale offer will be accepted or rejected by the bank. Simply because a listing is advertised as a short sale does not mean