Some think that summer has officially ended, but there is still time to enjoy the weather. It is, however, time to get back to work and close those deals you worked on all summer before the end of the year. Let me help you get these deals done.
Renewable Energy and Climate Change are currently hot topics; however, in addition to Real Estate Law, I have been practicing Energy Law for 20 years, concentrating on energy related transactions and regulatory issues involving solar, wind, cogeneration, natural gas, fuel oil, propane, fuel stora
On February 1, 2007, pursuant to Chap. 308, Laws 2006, New York State enacted Real Property Law § 265-a. Titled as the Home Equity Theft Protection Act ("HETPA"), this chapter also amends the Banking Law §595-a and enacts a new Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law § 1303. The legislative fi
As of October 16, 2007, all employers of commissioned salespersons in New York State, regardless of industry, must have a written agreement containing the following terms of employment: •1. A description of how wages, salary, draw on commissions, commissions, and all other amounts
Your brother-in-law needs a loan. Once you get past the fact that you really don't want to give it to him and you actually are ready to lend him the money, how do you make sure you get your money back if your sister throws him out and he decides not to pay?First, have him sign a promissory note w