Colorado House Bill HB 1017 Opens The Door to Rent Control Rent control has failed everywhere that it’s been tried. Setting price controls on rent will only reduce the supply of private investors for housing. If you reduce the supply, you reduce the demand. If you reduce the demand you reduce the...
Bail Out For The Rich or For The Economy? I keep hearing this number of 8 trillion dollars in the news. Everyone in Washington says that we need this 8 trillion dollars to stimulate the economy. Let's forget for a moment that our government doesn't have 8 trillion dollars sitting around somewhe...
BIG BROTHER IS BUYING THE ECONOMY OH MY WORD! What is going on? First the Fed lowers interest rates lower then what is normal for the market, then they raise them again and then flood the market with money printed out of nothing with the excuse that they are trying to "stablize" the problem t...
What Happened to Free Markets? Sunday, the government TOOK OVER both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack. On Aug. 4th I posted a blog about the government's involvement in this (, but even I didn't see this coming. Now the US government hasn't just bailed out two huge pr...
After reading your Sunday front page article "No Money Down: A high-risk gamble" (along the same lines as a previous article: Heartbreak along Mockingbird Lane) about no money down loans, I thought that your writer. Greg Griffin did a terrible job. He made it sound like no money down loans were ...
I have a condo that I want to sell, I owe almost exactly what it is worth. What are my options? I also would prefer a quick sale. No upgrades have been made. Any advice? D. Kerwin I am not an attorney and I am not giving legal advice, just my own opinion... there got that clear. Most areas aro...
Not too long ago a new client called with a problem. "We are moving out of state", they said, "and need to sell our townhome. We've tried to rent it, but no one will rent it for enough to cover the mortgage payment and the HOA dues." "How much do you need to pay-off the mortgage?" I asked. Th...
For fifteen years, I have been investing in real estate. My specialty is properties in distress. For several years my wife has been heading up a small team of people to find, clean and repair home in distress. With the economic slow-down, I have had to ignore properties that have great investm...
I am not an attorney and I am not giving legal advice, just my own opinion... there got that clear. There are three types of listing agreements in Colorado: Exclusive right-to-sell, Exclusive Brokerage Listing, and Open Listing. Exclusive is the most common, frankly, because most agents are a...
PRESIDENT SIGNS HOUSING BILL: Is this good? The long talked about housing rescue bill has become law. The key features include: $300 billion for new cheaper loans for troubled borrowers; $3.9 billion for fixing vacant properties; $15 billion in tax cuts; and Permanently increases to $625,000 the...