One of my favorite movies is 'Shawshank Redemption' - the story of Andy Dufresne, a young banking executive who spends nearly two decades doing hard-time in Shawshank State Prison for the murder of his wife and her lover despite his claims of innocence. Andy overcomes tremendous adversity, and th...
As many of you may recall, I announced my recent move to Keller Williams West Sound in a post last September: "Turning a New Page" My decision to move brokerages has turned out to be one of the best career moves I've ever made! The team at Keller Williams West Sound is nothing short of amazing an...
Wikipedia offers us the following definition of Strategic Default: A strategic default is the decision by a borrower to stop making payments (i.e., to default) on a debt despite having the financial ability to make the payments. This is particularly associated with residential and commercial mort...
Over on SoundBiteBlog, I just posted an article entitled 'Developing Your Social Media Plan.' It's become quite obvious that participating in various forms of social media engagement can have a very positive affect on expanding your sphere and growing potential business. Unfortunately, all too ma...
In all the Christmas Holiday shopping madness, don't forget to give yourself the gift of participating in RainCamp Online Wednesday December 14th. Some really awesome topics/presenters to give your RE biz a kick in the pants and enable you to thrive in a challenging market!....Don't Miss Out! On ...
Disclaimer: To my faithful subscribers and readers, I apologize in advance for wandering outside the normal boundaries of real estate related content, but I find myself needing to express some thoughts I have been struggling with of late. I trust you will indulge me and allow me the grace to shar...
ActiveRain Veteran Celeste 'Sally' Cheeseman gives some excellent tips on how to make your blogging efforts really pay off!...Some great advice from someone who is a great example of what good consistent quality blogging is all about!Blogging on ActiveRain has been a long road that brought me bus...
Let's face it, times are tough. Unless you're living under a rock or are part of the Occupy Wall Street 1%, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. All of us have been affected to varying degrees by the severe market downturn, especially for those of us whose livelihoods have been di...
Just recently, here on ActiveRain, I posted an article that was featured entitled "Are Brick & Mortar Real Estate Offices Becoming a Dinosaur?" The comment stream was wonderfully stimulating and thought-provoking, even better than the article itself! This article was actually a condensed 'teaser'...
I just posted an article this morning over on The Geek Estate Blog entitled: "Real Estate Outside the Box - Questioning the Value of Brick & Mortar" Having just recently changed brokerages (you can read about it HERE), our owner/partners of Keller Williams West Sound Realty are in the process of ...